Energy healing at work conquering Cellulite With XFat & Cellulikte Oil… Absolutely true…No photo shop… No tricks and certainly not a paid model…
A vague title as it may sound but what would a person do when one loses his or her bearings when in an attempt to escape harshness he or she detach or lose touch with bitter reality. This happens frequently in this day and age. Due to disorientation, lack of resources or […]
With our XFat & Cellulite Auraiel Oil fat burning becomes so easy… Salam started using our XFat & Cellulite Oil six months ago; she was kind enough to share with us her new picture which shows how much weight she actually lost while using our oil.
We at Paradetect strive effortlessly to explore all the hidden potentials of energy healing that is why we embarked on a spree of experimentation with whatever cases labeled as untreated with ordinary medicine.
Our Mission at Paradetect is to help individuals discover and develop their natural gifts for self-improvement and healing; motivating them to carry such gifts out into the community and become a contributor in public health and prosperity.
A rare case of temporal paralysis… This one of the rarest cases of temporal paralysis that we encountered at Paradetect A young female pharmacist suffered from a rare temporal paralysis since she was a child. She used to have this symptom four sometimes six months a year where she would be unable to […]
With infertility Paradetect encountered two cases and were successful in resolving it by using our energy healing technique. Does really work! Well, it did work in both cases where we were approached by to female clients accompanied by their husbands who tried everything available in the market including ordinary medical services.
The ongoing crisis in Ukraine reveals a similar pattern to the trend of events of how it all started in Syria could it be that it also shares the same orchestrator! There seems to be impeccable evidence that there is a new league of alliance forming against the western world and all of […]
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Um Mahmoud wished to keep her identity anonymous her wish will be respected. Um Mahmoud is a Teacher she went through a major operation at her right shoulder and arm several years ago, apparently something went wrong after the operation um Mahmoud lost movement of her right arm totally, the color of her arm […]
Mrs. F D. suffered from great pains and migraine aches for ages, almost twelve years, her doctor who is also her friend have heard of paradetect energy healing techniques and out of academic curiosity she Dr. J. brought her patient to our temporary center and asked if there is anything that can be […]
Ms. R asked to keep her identity anonymous. Ms. R. is a beautiful young woman with an exceptional smile she suffered from scoliosis with her spine curved since she was a child. Ms. R. is the only daughter in the family so naturally she was spoiled and her parents spared nothing in order […]