
Yes We Can

    It is pure joy to share with our members the wonderfully positive feedback we are getting from our recent graduates of the crash energy healing course we ran in Dubai late December of last year.

I Resign

    A phrase often used when things doesn’t go ones way, especially when we feel our liberty is targeted and we are chased out by our superiors due to a dispute or a conflict of interest or simply lack of chemistry in the work place or we might even experience this at a much […]

Terror in Norway

    An emblem of confusion… Anders Behring Breivik is he not a Christian terrorist who randomly killed innocent people for the sake of killing!

Rise of the Antichrist!

    From a different perspective! What If the skies are dominantly blue, The clouds smoothly glide through, And the canaries and birds of romance tweet a lullaby hush before surrendering to a purple dream leaning worries on a violet pillow of silk and serine.

Doom 2012

    2012 sunspot 30 to 50 % stronger… According to physicist Mausimi Dikpati 2012 will witness a peak in sunspot activity that is 30 to 50 % stronger than its previous, this may have an immediate effect on our earth climate, it may disrupt our global communication system with any other technology related to […]


    Iran/Hezbollah… Check mate… The final hour of this historical moment is approaching in this international tournament of chess game between the ancient masters of chess and the new prince in the hood.

Eye on Syria

    The Rise of the Antichrist… End of days prophecies in correspondence with current events in the Middle East

Demonic Possession

    Rare but true… Defining a demonic possession is harder than it sounds since it involves more than just observation and psychological background analysis. Psychology is as solid as theology scientifically speaking, and in order to understand the nature of possession one needs to have knowledge in what one is observing and one need […]

Stress/Anger Management

    The majority of us experience a stressful situation that may lead us to anger at one stage of our lives. Whether it is at home or at work, what is inevitable is a certain stressful encounter every now and then. What we are going to scrutinize in this article is the exaggeration of […]

Belief and Destiny

    We live our lives based on believe, from morning rituals that we go trough to greet the world each day, to the inventions that we use to make our lives better, technology that destroys life Beliefs that precedes our actions. Our beliefs hold so much power, and if we live our lives based […]