The current events accumulation in Lebanon and the acute socio/economical status in this forsaken land is of mammoth and probably biblical proportion, mammoth due to the lack of everything (infrastructure, security, and public services) in Lebanon for the last thirty five years, independence, Lebanon is suffering from the lack of independence, Lebanese are […]
Lebanon’s Election rumble and the turmoil resulting from failure to hold it will prove to be more serious than expected.
The latest events in the Middle East demands from the observers sharper and more thorough follow up if we are to understand what lies behind the obvious script and what the local and international media adopts in their news broadcast and political talk shows are skipping…
Welcome to our new paradetect member Salam Lakdar who successfully completed her Paradetect Energy Healing Crash Course and qualified to become an Energy Healer. Salam will start practicing in Saudi Arabia in July of 2013, good luck. Para Team
The Key of Magic… It would be more appropriate to replace C with Letter K to become Magik since the Magik Thoth tells about is part of the matrix creation and old science rather than trickery and illusions. You are welcome to join me in yet another journey in this quest of rare […]
The Syrian spill over Lebanon… What is not said in Local Media and its immediate impact on the socio/economic structure in the regional and international politics of the Middle East… History in repetition, the free Syrian Army and its role in subduing Hezbollah scenario in the making… The spill of refugees fleeing the […]
Working in energy healing for a number of years opened our eyes to a bitter reality; we discovered the huge demand across the world for such healing, we discovered that merging spirituality, humanity and medical science does serve a purpose of better wellbeing and better general health…
Clouds are clearing to reveal the formation of a new dawn rising on the holistic realm of giving life to a newborn power house of energy the Pardetect/Auraiel and Wellness Center group. Paradetect is based in Indonesia, Auraiel is in Dubai, and the Wellness Center is in Dubai. All of the three entities […]
Inspiration is a beautiful thing. Whether you discover it through someone or something. No matter what that may be, it is such a rush to feel that for once you know what you want or may possibly have everything sorted. The tricky part is trying to keep that flame of inspiration lit up. Guiding […]
Once again Paradetect exceeded expectation in a new experiment on weight loss cases. We gladly share with our members and visitors the results of a new experiment we tried at our new centers Paradetect successfully applied our special technique energy massage to help reducing stomach size and increase fat burning using our special oil […]
Paradetect, Activities and services 2013… A new paradetect services is performed successfully at our new centers Face lifting and Botox without anything else but what else…
At the beginning it was not clear where our Energy Healing service will lead us to, there were several requests and some additional inquiries about this service with no idea to us where it would lead to or the impact it would leave upon our activities and the lives of others who multiplied […]