After we sifted some of the wisdom of deciphering Tablet I of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, let us delve into exploring what we can sniff out from Tablet II hoping to raise awareness of the importance of this mystical and ancient treasure for the human race.
Below are more detailed tables of the planetary hours, Magical names of the Hours, and of the angels who rule them:
A celestial occasion will be occurring during this month according to Muslim belief. In many of our previous articles we focused on bringing together people from all walks of faith by proving that there is much more in common to serve unity of faith amongst us and what binds us together as humans […]
Slaughter in Middle East, mayhem in Briton, natural disasters in Japan and China and the meltdown of US Economy. Metamorphosis or Transformation is a majestic term full of magic, a natural magic illustrating the development process of a beautiful being such as a butterfly.
A mysterious cloud formation resembling a human head was caught on tape during a storm in Canada this week. Cameraman Denis Farmer caught the spooky film from his back yard in Grand Falls, New Brunswick as a storm brewed over the east Canadian town. The clouds seem to form a human profile before disappearing […]
MAKKAH: There are widespread rumors among Makkawis claiming some abandoned buildings and estates are possessed by jinns. According to the widely circulated gossip, residents of these buildings located in various districts of the holy city, especially on the outskirts, say they vacated their dwellings after supernatural forces had harmed them. There are divergent […]
One cannot help but reflect on the book of Enoch when one watches the popular movie The Matrix, and the series of events surrounding the movie, starting from the main character Neo to the rest of events reflecting on good fighting evil and righteousness confronting tyranny, we who watched The Matrix all remember how Neo at the […]
In this session, I sat next to Adam and initiating the training session with the ordinary ritual of breathing technique and body relaxation. Adam and I started our meditation while keeping our eye contact facing each other face to face. A quote says eyes are mirror of the soul, I see this perfectly true.
In pursuit of precious knowledge on the path of enlightenment I share with you my learning experience during my energy healing training session with my Guru hoping you will benefit from it the way I did. While sitting in a cafe, with Adam we started our session with the chemical vibration, its existence […]
Probable Location, Road to Amanti… It is the way to the long awaited Amanti where Thoth descended and ascended at will to rejuvenate through eternity.
Behold; the gremlin developed into a wolf resurrecting from evil induction… Detailing analysis of induction: Before we go into analytical details of induction one needs to identify and define induction and its roots.
Beware of the gremlin inside you before you cry wolf… The strongest enticement ever is the act of enticement that leads to incitement. The act of enticement has many facets and an abundance of means and tools but above all it requires the will of an individual to will over the will of another individual […]