
The Ultimate Feng Shui

    Feng shui stands for Wind Water in English, widely relied upon in oriental construction culture in buildings of all types and usages, but above all in sacred and important buildings such as temples or towers and skyscrapers. When one hears of the word Feng Shui one immediately relates it to China and Chinese […]


    Legacy and Science… Reincarnation is a belief shared by over a billion devoted Hindus and Buddhists around the world, it even succeeded in finding a foot hold in western civilizations after the spread of yogism and eastern spirituality during the 20th century after colonialism shrank away and western and European forces started pulling back […]

Reintroducing Energy Healing

    Better known in modern language as bio energy healing and known to ancient civilizations as spiritual healing. The bio energy healing has become an alien to most of the modern world, though trying to find its footsteps again and rediscover its roots, it finds more alienation amongst us when its referred to as […]

The Opening to the Psychic World

  Neutral believers of paranormal entities and phenomena are yet confused of their in dept purpose to humanity. Astrology sings or star signs are already universal terms but deliver no unique impact to what does it really means or its true objectives. Psychics would explain the topic more deliberately and more specific but some readers […]

The End of the World and 2012

    Terrence McKenna and Timewave Zero December 21, 2012 is a date that has gained much interest and speculation as it’s time draws near. As with the Y2K apprehension, there are those readying themselves for the possibility of the world as we know it coming to an end. A recent movie has depicted what […]

Spirituality and Depression

    Settle in a comfortable armchair that you favor. Have a chamomile goblet in your grasp, play some memorable soft music or listen to a soothing harp, with a touch of lavender or frankincense for an alluring trap, take a deep and sedating breath, relax your shoulders and indulge yourself sifting through wisdom in […]

Spirituality and Lesbianism

    What is Spirituality? What is Lesbianism? Can Spirituality alter such behavior? Is Lesbianism a case requires a cure?! How did science tackle such abnormal behavior, and what is the role of Religion and Politics in facing homosexuality between same sex males and females. Spirituality in definition is the balancing realm between mental mind […]

Colors in Dreams

    Dreams in colour are rarer in comparison to others. The question of colour in dreams has been proved of absorbing interest; and there has been much research into the subject. We often claim to have dreamed in colour but when we are questioned we fail to clearly tell which colours we have dreamed […]

Eyewitness to Eternity

Solomon, Cave of Ages, Luz and much more… He lives, he lives! A new name discovered to add to his long list of names and attributes. He lives through the ages, not only lingering within the hidden pages and scrolls of human history, but also through secretive past, mysterious present and more, the mystical future of […]

The Dangers of Binaural Beat Meditation

    Thousands of individuals use Binaural Beats every day with no adverse reactions. After all they are non addictive and certainly not abusive in any way. There is a small number of people that should never use these Beats. This article should be read very carefully and if you have any doubts you should […]

Easy Astral Projection with Binaural Beats

    There has been a lot of research into Binaural Beats and how they can make easy astral projection possible. But a lot of people still don’t really understand about Binaural Beats at all so let’s take a brief look at exactly what they are and the benefits to using brainwave recordings. Binaural beats […]