
UAE Mars Exploration

UAE launches it’s scientific Mars mission and by doing so it records the first ever Arab outer space adventure HOPE MISSION. UAE and His highness Shiehk Muhammad Bin Rashid Al maktoum has done it yet again in being the number one in leading the Arab nation in the outer space. One can not help but […]

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Alien origin

Are we of an alien origin? Apparently we are of an alien origin, at least according to biblical and Abrahamic faith and going back as far as the Sumerian ancient texts, it seems to tell us that our forefather Adam was created somewhere else, another dimension higher than ours called a paradise in heaven.

Bad Science

How dare I claim this statement! First time I began doubting the accuracy of our modern science was over forty years ago when I got involved in a debate with several professors in behavioral science /anthropology, we were discussing the Darwinian theory of evolution that man evolved from an ape specie and that there was […]


In search of the rogue planet Nibiru. The world is being warned of a grave and devastating danger of a biblical proportion coming its way from a rogue planet known as Nibiru first mentioned in the translations of the Sumerian Tablets by Zecharia Sitchin, Nibiru according to Sitchin is hypothetical planet that is in an […]