
Paranormal Experience Consultancy

    Paradetect Team has extensive experience in the never-ending quest for paranormal answers. The team provides investigative support services to those wanting answers to paranormal encounters. We resolve and clear paranormal traumas, hauntings as well as distressed and disturbed lands. We exist to educate, seek the truth, and explain paranormal phenomena. Every case will […]

Spiritual & Social Consultancy

    As we journey throughout life we accumulate negative energies, influences or experiences which cloud our thoughts, decisions and perceptions. This negative “ache” (life force) affects every aspect of our lives and often prevents us from feeling safe, balanced, positive, agreeable, calm and peaceful.

Spiritual Advance Outpost

    Paradetect granted a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Khaled Asaad Al-Asaad, owner of Al-Asaad lounge in the region of Uyoun Al-Samak, within the framework of exploratory trips and scientific researches by which it seeks to achieve its scientific purpose.

Symbolism II

More symbols to add to your knowledge: Alchemy, Peace, Luck, Strength and Tattoos symbols.     Alchemy Symbols Antimony-The metal antimony symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man and nature, and it was often symbolized by the wolf.   ………………………. Arsenic was widely used by early alchemists and was also sometimes represented by the […]

Raja: Achiever

  Following your Dream… We welcome Raja Khoury from the USA in our Paradetect Team. Raja had a dream since he was a child, his dream was to play guitar especially flamenco.

Holistic Healing

    What is holistic healing, how does it work, does it really heal; The best word to start this article with is, Faith. We will talk about Faith later, but now let us begin answering some of the most lingering questions that faced man.

Serious and Sincere

    Our team is full with efficient and dedicated associates and staff waiting to assist you and respond to your needs whenever you decide to share it with us. MAY is a serious face, sincere and considerate who is willing to go to the end to help by every means available. She is a self […]

Mineoro FG80

      Mineoro FG80 Gold Detector is a high technology instrument, gold detector machine and metal detector machine, which offers techniques never imagined in the area of locating gold and silver at long distances. We have discovered that the Mineoro FG80 detects anomalies in the disturbance of the electromagnetic field whenever spirits are present. […]

Para Community Encounter – Case 1

    Each individual has his own unique reaction of behavior towards what takes place in his surroundings. During my visit to Lebanon in July 2009, I met new seekers who were interested in holistic healing and spirituality while we were all sitting at Adam’s place in Lebanon,


    In the training period it is advisable to avoid eating meat, focus on vegetables and lots of fluids.  Olive oil, olives, fig, thyme, brown or dark bread, and fruits, especially bananas.   Never eat full, eat the third portion of what you usually consume. Avoiding eating anything else than banana at night or […]

Sleeping Pattern

When going to bed or wanting to lie down, first thing you do is start your breathing technique, move in a very slow motion, try to think of nothing if not possible, and think of one simple thing. Sit upright for couple of minutes before you lie down, focus on your breathing and gaze at one […]

Walking Pattern

  When you walk, try to walk in an organized pace with equal distance, and distribute your body weight evenly, let your pace be light and steady. Touch the ground with all parts of your feet from back to tip toes. Lift your knees while you stride and avoid using only your hips to move […]