
Your Birth Number

    Do you know your birth number? If you do, it will help you choose your lucky name or what lucky name you may chose for your unborn child, good luck. If the answer is NO, then read this article to learn how to extract your birth number.


    Australia; A dream land without a dreamer… The continent of Oceania with its vastness and all of the buried wealth still untouched and the huge potentials untapped sits on an empty simmering pot waiting for some serious effort from its politicians to fill in all of the gaps and empty spaces in its […]

Intuition Test

  How intuitive are you? This test might give you a better idea. Add up the scores of each question and check your result at the end of the test. Enjoy!

Know Your Zodiac

  Zodiac is a large circle in the sky that is called ecliptic it is the plane of our earth orbit that surrounds our sun. Zodiac is divided into 12 signs starting with Aries; it begins at the spot on the ecliptic when the sun is on the first day of spring, each sign is […]

Addiction in Search of Wholeness

    You are either a man or a woman, which is to say one half of the whole. On this level, the longing for wholeness manifest as a male female attraction, the need for the opposite sex. The root of this physical urge is a spiritual one; longing for an end to a duality, […]

The Power of Now

    Give attention to your present, give attention to your behavior, emotions, fears, moods, thoughts, desires as they occur in the moment.

Enter Depression

    Who enters into depression and how: Anybody can enter into depression, even animals and birds enter into depression. Every active mind is a possible victim for a depressed experience. Each of us reacts to depression in a different manner due to individual’s personal experience and way of upbringing.

Mind Realm

    Getting into your realm a term used in the East… Your mind is an instrument, 80 to 90 percent of most people’s thinking is not only repetitive and useless but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature, much so, it is also harmful. Observe your mind and you will find this to […]


True or false; At first they were foretold by The Book of Enoch in Chapter 7; 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin […]