

If you can perceive the future, have waking visions, flashing thoughts, and have the sense of “knowing”, then you have one of the extrasensory perception experiences that is Precognition.

Fight Corruption

Let our new slogan be “No more Corruption”. If those corrupt really know how much they are harming their own economy they would never be tempted with bribes no matter how big. Blackmailing and accepting bribes hurt the local economy even more than money laundering. When one accepts a bribe or commits corruptive acts by […]

Greek Mythology

  The Olympians, The Titans, and The Creation of Man… Greek mythology is an amazing, magical subject. Most of us wonder about what is true and what is not, however all of us are always eager to learn more about it.

Benefits of Astral Projection

Many people wonder about Astral Travel or Out of Body Experiences (OBE). They even ask what possible be its benefits for them to take it seriously and learn about it!! In the astral world, there are no boundaries of one’s exploration even the skies and seas. One can travel out into the infinite space explore the planets […]

Gog and Magog II

In part one we have established that Gog and Magog almost certainly are located in the Caucuses region, but before you jump into rushing conclusions let’s examine more historical references to help us decide the starting point of our scientific expedition in Quest of Gog and Magog


Clash of the Titans, (Greek mythology). Watch for our coming soon article; Greek Mythology. Marmarah adventure book and a paradetect cap free gift


  Symbolism varies in their meaning, every culture has its own interpretation of symbolism, but what is certain is that symbolism is as old and ancient as human early civilizations cradling their way in our history.

Space and Time

Space/Time and the theory of relativity: are they all related! Special relativity is a theory of the structure of space time. It was introduced in Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”.