

    There are two forms of trance; the involuntary which is common, and the voluntary which may be achieved through practice.

Chemical Imbalance And Its Effect On Depression

What is a Chemical Imbalance? Chemical imbalance and its cause of emotional distress and disturbances; Although, there is no exact link between chemical imbalance and emotional disorders found yet. Researchers strongly believe that chemical imbalance is somehow involved in common disorders such as anxiety, depression and ADHD.

Depression Treatment

    Treating Depression Naturally without Pharmaceutical Drug… Depression is a disorder involving the whole body including the nervous system, moods, thoughts, and behavior. It presents a potential threat affecting your eating, sleeping, thinking, feeling habits, and your interaction with people around you. It can last for, weeks, months, or even years.

Paranormal Size

  Reptile of a paranormal size suddenly appeared crossing a main country road in (Akkar) the north of Lebanon couple of months ago. What is paranormal about it was the size! It was a snake of a huge size not found usually in the region of Lebanon.


    Depression is one of the most common conditions of this age, affecting more than one in ten individuals at a time, irrespective of age, gender or socio/cultural background.

Paranormal Experience Consultancy

    Paradetect Team has extensive experience in the never-ending quest for paranormal answers. The team provides investigative support services to those wanting answers to paranormal encounters. We resolve and clear paranormal traumas, hauntings as well as distressed and disturbed lands. We exist to educate, seek the truth, and explain paranormal phenomena. Every case will […]

Spiritual & Social Consultancy

    As we journey throughout life we accumulate negative energies, influences or experiences which cloud our thoughts, decisions and perceptions. This negative “ache” (life force) affects every aspect of our lives and often prevents us from feeling safe, balanced, positive, agreeable, calm and peaceful.

Spiritual Advance Outpost

    Paradetect granted a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Khaled Asaad Al-Asaad, owner of Al-Asaad lounge in the region of Uyoun Al-Samak, within the framework of exploratory trips and scientific researches by which it seeks to achieve its scientific purpose.

Symbolism II

More symbols to add to your knowledge: Alchemy, Peace, Luck, Strength and Tattoos symbols.     Alchemy Symbols Antimony-The metal antimony symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man and nature, and it was often symbolized by the wolf.   ………………………. Arsenic was widely used by early alchemists and was also sometimes represented by the […]

Raja: Achiever

  Following your Dream… We welcome Raja Khoury from the USA in our Paradetect Team. Raja had a dream since he was a child, his dream was to play guitar especially flamenco.

Holistic Healing

    What is holistic healing, how does it work, does it really heal; The best word to start this article with is, Faith. We will talk about Faith later, but now let us begin answering some of the most lingering questions that faced man.