Social studies: Social Education, Communities, and Government’s Role! There seem to be a measurable gap between Third world countries, their categorization and the developed world.
In part one we have established that Gog and Magog almost certainly are located in the Caucuses region, but before you jump into rushing conclusions let’s examine more historical references to help us decide the starting point of our scientific expedition in Quest of Gog and Magog
Clash of the Titans, (Greek mythology). Watch for our coming soon article; Greek Mythology. Marmarah adventure book and a paradetect cap free gift
Their Identity, their Legend and their Location… Who are they: Gog and Magog are barbaric tribes from the progeny of Japheth (Yafith) son of Noah,
Symbolism varies in their meaning, every culture has its own interpretation of symbolism, but what is certain is that symbolism is as old and ancient as human early civilizations cradling their way in our history.
Ancient Astral Wonder… Little do we know about the aborigines of Australia, even less we know about their ancient culture and their astral wondering.
Space/Time and the theory of relativity: are they all related! Special relativity is a theory of the structure of space time. It was introduced in Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”.
I will share a deep hidden secret with you. Deep in my heart, and in my youth, I was once meditating and as I began my astral journey, I witnessed many things, I got lost on my way back, suddenly
Definition: Teleportation is the instant transfer of matter from one point to another. Teleportation has been widely utilized in works of science fiction, it also appears in physical theories.
GOD, SOUL, ETHERIC (ASTRAL BODY), MAGICIANS, CONSENSUS REALITY: God is an ultimate energy, primal energy.
Ampere said: “Everything that has been done in physics since the work of Dr. Young on light and the discovery of M. Orsted is preparation for a new era … Explanations deduced from the effects produced by the motion of imponderable fluids will gradually replace those now accepted … I believe that we must look […]
Chapter 91 1 And now, my son Methuselah, call to me all thy brothers And gather together to me all the sons of thy mother;