
Aura Colors and Its Relation to Human Development

Every color has its unique qualities and purposes. Imagine a rainbow and each of your colors is forming your rainbow in your own sky. All the colors are interacting and each has its own radiance as a signature of your experiences and walked stages in life. Ultraviolet: This color may mean one of several things: you […]


Our method introduces meditation as, a reconciliation method to modern way living. It focuses on what is priority consumption and what is secondary. We need to start learning about our true needs. Needs that enhances our perceptions of ideals and morals, and improves our temporary role on this planet. Let us start with the tools […]

Lord Of The Rings

This movie is so intriguing, one can watch it over and over, and yet, still manages to enjoy every single event that takes place in it, or even the music and the theme, or the actors and players of every role. It’s truly a piece of art. I felt I had to say something about […]

Our Personal Universe

Imagine a space filled with radiant light. Energy flows and swirls through it in bright colors. This life energy moves around you as you sit nestled safely in the center. This place is your aura: your own personal universe. It is your protection and your playground. It constantly moves and changes as you move and change. Auras […]

Aura Colors and Their Meaning

Because we humans are highly visual, the colors we see can have a profound impact on our moods. Observed colors can stimulate our energy, make us wildly happy or just plain content. Keep in mind that the interpretations listed here are for general reference. Each individual has unique blendings and vibrations of color. And, you […]

The Energy Centers of the Aura

The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit Cakram, which means ‘wheel’. Chakras are the anchors of our spirit, kind of like the ancient idea of ‘houses of the soul’. There are seven major centers of energy and several minor ones in the hands and feet. They are said to spin like vortexes and emanate color. […]

Talismanic Birthstones

Ancient talismans were believed to have magical powers to protect the wearer. Talismans are often, but not always engraved on stones corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Topaz Taurus (Apr 21 – May 21) Garnet Gemini (May 22 – Jun 21) Emerald Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22) […]


January – Capricorn Birthstones are: Garnet, Emerald and Jasper. Traditional Garnet Mystical Emerald Arabic Garnet Hindu Serpent Stone Zodiac (Aquarius) Garnet Power Stones: Onyx, Obsidian, Jet, Beryl and Quartz. February – Aquarius Birthstones are: Amethyst, Bloodstone and Ruby. Traditional Amethyst Mystical Bloodstone Arabic Amethyst Hindu Chandrakanta Zodiac (Pisces) Amethyst Power Stones: Blue sapphire, Lapis, Aquamarine, […]

Gems Info

Alexandrite- The Magic of changing colors This rare gemstone is named after the Russian tzar Alexander II (1818-1881), the very first crystals having been discovered in April 1834 on the day the future tzar came of age. The most sensational feature about this stone is its surprising ability to change its color, green or bluish-green […]


Senses are five, though each of these senses has a parallel extra sense, and beyond them there are higher senses meant to activate with the astro form related to the spiritual substance in us. And there are the derivative senses which is above the physical senses. The sixth sense is a start. The definition of […]

Spirituality Concept Adoption

An adoption of spirituality as a concept is not a way to run away. It is rather a way to manage what may drive us to run away one day. We need to search within us for the managing tools to adopt in our daily living. This can only be achieved by living by the […]


Adaptation is more philosophical than logical, since we are the ruling specie of this planet, the lords of what is ordained for our utilization and use. Other species kill what they need to survive, We do it for sports. They court to preserve their kinds, We do it for pleasure and lust. They compete amongst […]