
Salma Oud AAA Premium Agarwood

Immerse yourself in the captivating aroma of Auraiel Salma Oud Premium AAA Grade Ararwood. The package contains 40 grams of high-quality AAA Premium Agarwood. Agarwood, also known as Oud, is a highly prized and fragrant resinous wood that has been cherished for centuries in the Middle East and Asia. With its warm, woody, and slightly […]

Salma Oud Lavender Infused

Experience the captivating aroma of Auraiel Salma Oud Lavender Infused Agarwood, a luxurious Agarwood fragrance infused with Lavender. Hand picked from the finest agarwood, this 50-gram package offers a rich and intense scent that is highly sought after in the Middle East. Agarwood is renowned for its warm, and woody, making it a prised ingredient […]

Red Mercury Caught

In pursuit of truth, Paradetect continues to investigate the illusive myth of Red Mercury.Lately, we received a video clip which seems to be genuine enough to share with our readers, the video contains an owner of Red mercury attempting to sell it for a huge sum of money. The intriguing detail revealed a new information […]

Now Available

Auraiel Brand Best Seller XFat & Cellulite in its new look with an improved cellulite reduction effect, smell and texture. Delivery across the UAE, and world wide is available. Available on ebay click here Contact us at +971505025544 (watsapp too) for more information Or at auraiel.gulf@gmail.com , info@paradetect.com

Bad Science

How dare I claim this statement! First time I began doubting the accuracy of our modern science was over forty years ago when I got involved in a debate with several professors in behavioral science /anthropology, we were discussing the Darwinian theory of evolution that man evolved from an ape specie and that there was […]