
Crisis in the Middle East

    A close watch to current events in Middle East from different perspective. Crisis in the Middle East were ignited by two poles each with its own gravitational field, each is as dangerous as the other due to the global potentials of its spreading like a deadly virus. The western pole of gravity is […]

Arabs says ENOUGH

    Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Jordan, and who knows what and where next. An outcry of wrath… Arabs are saying enough is enough to their leaders. Enough for living in humiliation in ones’ own land, poverty and unemployment, loss of hope and despair is spread amongst the majority of Arabs all over the Arab […]

Wiki leaks

    Untold secret… The Iran/Qatar factor… Hundreds of thousands of documents were released on Wiki Leaks, most of it makes no sense, and few were scandalous and very embarrassing indeed. Question is; what was the real identity of those behind this breach of confidential to top secret documents?

Stop! Pause! Imagine

  I was listening to the CNN, while working on an article for the website when a news flash broke the silence and caught my pre-focused attention. CNN: A university student kills himself because the police prohibited him from selling vegetables couple of days ago during the riots in Tunisia, known to be one of […]

Physical Realm

    The more consciousness you bring into the body the more and stronger your immune system becomes. Your body loves your attention. It’s a potent form of self healing. When the master is absent, all kind of shady character will take up space in the house. When you inhabit your body it will be […]


    Australia; A dream land without a dreamer… The continent of Oceania with its vastness and all of the buried wealth still untouched and the huge potentials untapped sits on an empty simmering pot waiting for some serious effort from its politicians to fill in all of the gaps and empty spaces in its […]