Thousands of individuals use Binaural Beats every day with no adverse reactions. After all they are non addictive and certainly not abusive in any way. There is a small number of people that should never use these Beats. This article should be read very carefully and if you have any doubts you should […]
Legends of cats and witchcraft have origins in ancient Egypt. The cat was revered in ancient Egypt, condemned in the Middle ages, and has been credited for having a connection to other realms. In Bubastis, cats were thought to be a goddess incarnate and were treated as such.
There has been a lot of research into Binaural Beats and how they can make easy astral projection possible. But a lot of people still don’t really understand about Binaural Beats at all so let’s take a brief look at exactly what they are and the benefits to using brainwave recordings. Binaural beats […]
Symbols in a dream, are actually the elements that make up the details. Even specific actions are sometimes symbols (such as falling). In the dream above about the hall, the pictures, ceiling, arches, paintings and even the mouse, are all dream symbols. All the little details mean something. Symbols, for the most part, […]
The symbolism of numbers is, of course, very ancient and has been codified in many ages and cultures. In general, dream numbers convey ideas, sensations and lines of force in the personality. Here is a brief synthesis of the hidden meaning of numbers as they appear in our dreams.
Introducing to our Para Community the PARADETECT LIAISON and representative in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai: Paradetect gladly introduces our Para Liaison Dubai and the United Arab Emirates Mrs. S. Mousa. Mrs. Mousa has been an active member since day one of the formation of PARADETECT and has performed many promotional activities and […]
The direct translation of the word clairvoyance is “clear sight”. It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the mind’s eye something that is going on in a remote location without any previous knowledge of the event. Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides (albeit unlocked) within every […]
Many of our members asked me to write an article describing soul mates to bring them to a closer and more unified definition of this term. The term soul mate is widely used nowadays, and its definition varies from culture to culture and person to person, while it remains an interesting subject surrounded by all […]
Is parallel universe theory a science fiction? According to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists, there is a breakthrough which is described as one of the most important developments in the history of science. This is very encouraging indeed, since parallel worlds belief is a very rich substance of ancient mythology and literature. And since […]
Profiling is a science of observation, study and exploitation of traces of a crime scene, a person, or an animal to determine the relevance of such traces to an investigated crime, event or personality and behavior in general. Anthropological and Psychological profiling
Majority of us have heard of the 2012 syndrome. The Mayan Calendar, Prophecies of Nostradamus, Interpretations of the revelation and the visions of Daniel, all of these and much more have circulated amongst us and still is gaining speed even more than ever before.
The more consciousness you bring into the body the more and stronger your immune system becomes. Your body loves your attention. It’s a potent form of self healing. When the master is absent, all kind of shady character will take up space in the house. When you inhabit your body it will be […]