Paradetect granted a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Khaled Asaad Al-Asaad, owner of Al-Asaad lounge in the region of Uyoun Al-Samak, within the framework of exploratory trips and scientific researches by which it seeks to achieve its scientific purpose.
What is holistic healing, how does it work, does it really heal; The best word to start this article with is, Faith. We will talk about Faith later, but now let us begin answering some of the most lingering questions that faced man.
In the training period it is advisable to avoid eating meat, focus on vegetables and lots of fluids. Olive oil, olives, fig, thyme, brown or dark bread, and fruits, especially bananas. Never eat full, eat the third portion of what you usually consume. Avoiding eating anything else than banana at night or […]
When going to bed or wanting to lie down, first thing you do is start your breathing technique, move in a very slow motion, try to think of nothing if not possible, and think of one simple thing. Sit upright for couple of minutes before you lie down, focus on your breathing and gaze at one […]
When you walk, try to walk in an organized pace with equal distance, and distribute your body weight evenly, let your pace be light and steady. Touch the ground with all parts of your feet from back to tip toes. Lift your knees while you stride and avoid using only your hips to move […]
Repeat the following technique while smelling with eyes open, then close your eyes and repeat it while recording your observation. Good place to start with is in the kitchen or the fridge. Or better still, in a field of flowers and roses. You will realize at the end of this training that there […]
Repeat the following with tasting while your eyes are opened, then close your eyes and repeat by taking notes of what it is you taste and identify and describe. At the end of this training you may become able to taste what is in the air particles Every smell or aroma is invisible yet […]
Final exercise: before we begin unveiling our final exercise we would like to emphasize on the importance of reading our Astral Travel, Astral Secret Revealed and our meditation method as well as train your Senses and improve your Pattern of Behavior so that you may achieve the desired result in your astral travel mastering technique.
Repeat the seeing exercise by training your touch in the same manner, first touch with your eyes open, then close your eyes and touch objects, identify it and record it.
Repeat the following exercise by observing the objects that surrounds you and record what you see, define and describe it.
Learn to hear low and slow, train your ears to listen to more than one sound and recognize what each sound belongs to.
Inhale for a period of 5 to 7 counts… Keep the breath inside for the same period Exhale for the same period What is crucial in this exercise is to keep the time distance between the three phases. This lets your body consumes most of the oxygen that it inhales, while it broadens your […]