Dubai course…The absolute energy balance for you… What you learn and why you must learn it. Register your name for the course, send us your request with the “Subject: Energy Healing Crash Course”. At Paradetect we pride ourselves of being different than the ordinary because we have a specific aim and a target. Our aim […]
Paradetect was invited to give a crash course demonstration in energy healing in the UAE… The crash course will be intensive to ensure success in enabling the attendants who participate in the training to generate their own bio energy at the end period training. We invite all of our local members to enroll […]
Paradetect announcing a special event. Three days course introducing energy healing basic techniques to our members. Course will be held in Akkar region North Lebanon. This crash course will be held in one of two of our locations in Akkar/El Doneya Akkar: Qamouaa area, a nearby hotel is available, for an overnight stay. […]
Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Mind and body practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior. Click the link below to download […]
What a brilliant community service: I was privileged to work in an Australian community center in early 1980s in Sydney, Australia. Australian community centers play a major and constructive role in improving the well-being of its community members. It is usually run under the local council and most of its funding comes from […]
In a previous article, we discussed the scientific essence of ancient scriptures and Holy Books to encourage modern science to investigate its profound wisdom and accuracy. In this article we will borrow the last quote from Quran mentioned in our previous article to dissect and investigate its accuracy.
Transition into the next phase of humanity has begun. The geopolitical, ethnical and other world events are heralding the beginning of the second phase of transition in our human evolution. It is also expected to herald a breakthrough in medical and other sciences and technology in the coming decade such discoveries will most probably usher […]
Our article today aims to prove that time travel is real event. In fact, we all time travel and we do it on daily basis throughout our life journey for as long as we live. While living we all breath, eat and sleep, we time travel every time we fall asleep; when we sleep our […]
Light & Sound… Merging science and spirituality is our mission. Scientific research of the healing effect of specific sounds on DNA and water cell proved that specific tunes can repair and heal damaged water cells.
Best to start with this article is an accurate definition of its title As Above and Below. Quote: When modern science extended the reach of its observation to the galaxies above and the microbes below, it made a surprising discovery: an atom proved strikingly similar to a solar system. Both were comprised of […]
Since lack of happiness and contentment may become the main cause for depression and since an emotional shock may play a major role in different types and levels of depression, spirituality may also play a major role in treating all types of depression and may also save the depressed from reverting to anti-depressants flooding the […]
If Jinn can bring real money during the Tanzeel process why don’t they get their own supplies of Red Mercury is one legitimate question that keeps lingering in my mind every time I get embroiled in investigations related to this very illusive myth.