My personal theory… Barzakh would be a Transit realm and a barrier separating physical and material world from ether and spirit world. Barzakh is an Arabic word in origin and it means a barrier, it is mentioned in Holy Quran three times in three different occasions, and it is believed to be a transit station […]
Phenomena rich with myth nourished by enthusiast’s curiosity ever since the dawn of humanity… Orb in origin is Latin and it is short for Orbits meaning Circle or to form into a circle or a sphere and it is often used in describing a celestial sovereignty or event. Orbs are often called as globes, or […]
Projection is another human defense mechanism that helps people escape an unacceptable reality, by projection one tend to accuse others of his own ills or disliked qualities by ascribing them to others. By projection one may initiate a negative thought or feeling and simply pin it on others ironically applying the do unto others as […]
Working in energy healing for a number of years opened our eyes to a bitter reality; we discovered the huge demand across the world for such healing, we discovered that merging spirituality, humanity and medical science does serve a purpose of better wellbeing and better general health…
At the beginning it was not clear where our Energy Healing service will lead us to, there were several requests and some additional inquiries about this service with no idea to us where it would lead to or the impact it would leave upon our activities and the lives of others who multiplied […]
The Dweller of Unal… Welcome, join me in deciphering a new tablet of the Emeralds of Thoth. Oft dream I of buried Atlantis, Lost in the ages that has passed into night, Aeon on aeon thou existed in beauty, A light shining through the darkness of night, Mighty in power, ruling the earth-born, Lord of […]
What is positive thinking and how can one achieve a positive state of mind is what spirituality is all about. Spirituality and religion are specifically introduced to us so that our species may learn how to coup with the ills we are subjected to while we pursue our daily life events, requirements, and demands. The […]
Before we begin exploring this exciting subject I would recommend you read our article of Holistic Healing and Reintroducing Energy Healing, if you cannot find them in the front page or the pages that follows, you may use search on your right hand side to locate them. Paradetect developed recently a method of energy healing that tends […]
A new book that may be of great interest to all of you interested to advance your knowledge in the parapsychology… Often seen as supernatural, unpredictable, illusory and possibly dangerous, ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance and other parapsychological activities are actually happening all the time and help us make sense of everyday experiences. First Sight […]
The world today… Current global events and its impact in shaping our world is creating a huge rift between cultures and social status in every community starting from developed to the underdeveloped world making humanity of the 21st century a pure dichotomy dividing us between good and evil, warmongers and peace advocates, rich and poor […]
For those who haven’t read our first article about red mercury I would like to start this article with the following phrase which reset our investigation in motion again; a legend speaks of red mercury liquid as food delicacy offered for Jinn in return of a favor (read our Red Mercury Article)…
The Key of Wisdom – Thoth the Atlantean give of my wisdom, give of my knowledge give of my power. Three are the factors that Thoth emphasis upon in his journey of enlightenment for humanity’s redemption and long lasting fight against negligence and the darkness that binds it. Wisdom comes first since wisdom […]