Legacy and legend… Far from a remote past prior to Homo sapiens before history was written there existed an advanced race who dwelled in a far away island surrounded by a vast ocean ruled by canons dictated by the Logos from a beyond space time governed by the enlightened inherent of an ancient land.
One of our members found this pot while bush walking in the northern mountains of Lebanon. He thinks it is Phoenician and seeking a professional assistance to identify and categorize it. Contact us for further Information Para Team
Each individual has his own unique reaction of behavior towards what takes place in his surroundings. During my visit to Lebanon in July 2009, I met new seekers who were interested in holistic healing and spirituality while we were all sitting at Adam’s place in Lebanon, and this time it was one amongst the group […]
Learning from History – Ancient Civilisation and the Golden Age, Serpent Knowledge of the Shining Ones, the Watchers and the Druids Edmund Marriage, Independent Researcher, shows how the re-interpretation of ancient texts and modern science reveals extraordinary skills in the development of sophisticated agriculture and social organisation in the Fertile Crescent of […]
When scientists talk about the expanding universe, they mean that it has been growing ever since its beginning with the Big Bang. Existing galaxies are drifting away from our own, the farther they are from our galaxy the faster they are moving away in space and space itself is also moving meaning that there seems […]
Deciphering TABLET XIII – The Keys of Life and Death Welcome back to the Key of Life and Death I would like to begin my attempt of deciphering this tablet by a quote of Quran which I feel is not only correlated but even crucial to fathom. From Quran, Surat Al Mulk:تَبَـٰرَكَ ٱلَّذِى بِيَدِهِ ٱلۡمُلۡكُ […]
In a previous article, we discussed the scientific essence of ancient scriptures and Holy Books to encourage modern science to investigate its profound wisdom and accuracy. In this article we will borrow the last quote from Quran mentioned in our previous article to dissect and investigate its accuracy.
Our article today aims to prove that time travel is real event. In fact, we all time travel and we do it on daily basis throughout our life journey for as long as we live. While living we all breath, eat and sleep, we time travel every time we fall asleep; when we sleep our […]
The Law of Cause and Effect and the Key of Prophecy. Mastering The Law of Cause and Effect leads to accurate prediction enabling the individual to reach wise conclusion. List ye, O man, to the words of my wisdom, list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean. Conquered have I the Law of time-space. Knowledge […]
Light & Sound… Merging science and spirituality is our mission. Scientific research of the healing effect of specific sounds on DNA and water cell proved that specific tunes can repair and heal damaged water cells.
An unprecedented finding will be revealed in this article… Did you ever experience seeing shadows in an empty dark space? Read the article to know why… For those first timers who browse through our articles Paradetect focuses on finding feasible explanation for anomalies and the unexplained paranormal events engulfing our daily events while unnoticed by […]
Best to start with this article is an accurate definition of its title As Above and Below. Quote: When modern science extended the reach of its observation to the galaxies above and the microbes below, it made a surprising discovery: an atom proved strikingly similar to a solar system. Both were comprised of […]