Beginning of perpetual journey… He is the seventh generation of Adam, the son of Jared and father to methuselah. It is said he was raised up in Babylon and at the age of forty he acquired his initiation into the realm of Prophethood, a messenger he preached the word of God and when God ascended […]
As I was in a friendly gathering with friends chitchatting and exchanging Happy Eid Al-Fitr wishes one of our friends showed a photo on his phone informing me that it was taken few days earlier few kilometer away from where I was,somewhere near an army barracks in the northern city of Tripoli in […]
If Jinn can bring real money during the Tanzeel process why don’t they get their own supplies of Red Mercury is one legitimate question that keeps lingering in my mind every time I get embroiled in investigations related to this very illusive myth.
The web is a wonderful source of accessible information ranging from a doctorate research to a handy man service. But does it have serious and genuine information to help us handle a possible paranormal experience any of us might face even once during a lifetime?
Energy is a property of objects, transferable among them via fundamental interaction, which can be converted into different forms but not created or destroyed. In the case of human or living beings, energy is the properties of our physical, spiritual and mental form transferable through our bodies in a process of cycling and recycling such […]
As I was on stop in Dubai I received a phone call from one of our chief investigators asking if I could interrupt my trip and redirect to location to investigate another red mercury related claim. when I questioned the urgency He informed me of a new case that needs to be investigated, a case […]
Close encounter with possessed claim… It was one sunny afternoon in early June 2011 when one of our affiliates contacted me to inform me of a client requesting a session with me related to possession claim.
A portal to the spirit realm… For those not familiar with Ouija Board it is a flat board usually made of wood marked with the alphabet letters, numbers from 1 to 9 and the words Yes and No, some latter editions added the Hello and Goodbye on it…
Paradetect received a call from one of our followers in Tripoli Lebanon informing us about a suspected location of paranormal activities since ages without being investigated.
What is Astral Projection and why did this mystery manage to shroud itself with controversy and skepticism generating more confusion ever since science began debating it in scientific circles ages ago… To begin with, the definition of astral projection varies between scientists and spiritualists and in my opinion they seem to differ upon the references […]
Alien’s debate remerged after an interview with former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who confirmed alien’s existence stating that they even walk amongst us and are behind some of the modern technology that we enjoy today such as microchip, and LED light…
For over 5 millennia, the pyramids conundrum has managed to raise more questions than answers. Books have been written exploring their mystical constructions and the myth that shroud their role in ancient Egypt attempting to explain how it was built and who built it and why they built it.