In search of the rogue planet Nibiru. The world is being warned of a grave and devastating danger of a biblical proportion coming its way from a rogue planet known as Nibiru first mentioned in the translations of the Sumerian Tablets by Zecharia Sitchin, Nibiru according to Sitchin is hypothetical planet that is in an […]
We are left with sadness and sorrow to observe how western civilization neglects its very roots and the origin of all knowledge spread amongst mankind since the very first dawn of humanity.
Elon Musk guessed it right when he said artificial intelligence is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization in fact; He even went farther by comparing building Artificial Intelligence to summoning the demon…
The word Jinn is of Arabic origin, it is not a name of a specie or a race, Jinn in Arabic means unseen, or invisible to the naked eye. This unseen specie was embedded in our ancient history since the creation of Adam. There seems to be several types of Jinn species some are […]
Bewitched or temporarily possessed! How would one know when he/she’s been bewitched or being temporarily possessed? Today in this age, we are living in the era of advanced technology and artificial intelligence, we tend to ignore if not totally forget the ancient and historical teachings of witchcraft and sorcery disregarding any authenticity hidden beyond […]
Skeptics deny the existence of black magic and aliens, and I would like to consider myself in favor of their existence. There are three schools of thought around our world those who believe in what lies beyond our sight and vision, others who would only believe in what they can see or touch […]
They live amongst us The Deception Many of us watched on youtube or read somewhere on the web stories and tales from common folks and occasionally scientists claiming all sorts of stories related to alien abduction experience, were aliens experiment on the abductees or implanted alien DNA into female pregnant abductees…
Watching Sophia and other sexbots advancement on you tube makes me wonder of what may happen next… Our lack of information and poor knowledge of the unknown alien intelligence existing in parallel dimensions which often intertwine with our own reality by communicating with us through dreams or telepathy and many times by physical […]
Each individual has his own unique reaction of behavior towards what takes place in his surroundings. During my visit to Lebanon in July 2009, I met new seekers who were interested in holistic healing and spirituality while we were all sitting at Adam’s place in Lebanon, and this time it was one amongst the group […]
An unprecedented finding will be revealed in this article… Did you ever experience seeing shadows in an empty dark space? Read the article to know why… For those first timers who browse through our articles Paradetect focuses on finding feasible explanation for anomalies and the unexplained paranormal events engulfing our daily events while unnoticed by […]
As I was in a friendly gathering with friends chitchatting and exchanging Happy Eid Al-Fitr wishes one of our friends showed a photo on his phone informing me that it was taken few days earlier few kilometer away from where I was,somewhere near an army barracks in the northern city of Tripoli in […]
If Jinn can bring real money during the Tanzeel process why don’t they get their own supplies of Red Mercury is one legitimate question that keeps lingering in my mind every time I get embroiled in investigations related to this very illusive myth.