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Mind Over Matter



A mental discipline… Mind over matter or preferably will power is still new and vague to science, though, it is part of eastern culture whether in Hindu yoga or Buddhist meditational techniques and training of self control which served many purposes starting with self improvement, spiritual development in addition to (alternative medicine) curative means to a multiple of ailments and ills. Continue reading Mind Over Matter

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Deciphering Emerald Tablet II

After we sifted some of the wisdom of deciphering Tablet I of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, let us delve into exploring what we can sniff out from Tablet II hoping to raise awareness of the importance of this mystical and ancient treasure for the human race. Continue reading Deciphering Emerald Tablet II

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Celestial Occasion



A celestial occasion will be occurring during this month according to Muslim belief.

In many of our previous articles we focused on bringing together people from all walks of faith by proving that there is much more in common to serve unity of faith amongst us and what binds us together as humans with all of our diversities is much more than what separates our means since we all share the same ends.

According to Islamic belief there is a celestial occasion due to take place this month as it does every month of Ramadan, this occasion is believed to be an opening of an immediate portal from the heavens to our dimension which comes in one specific night during the month of fasting. This opening is believed to be like a holyday to the dwellers of the heavens enabling them to freely respond to justified prays and supplications of humans to help them mend their contradictions and put their lively matters in order.

Most scholars have supported the claim which promotes the due night of that holiday to be on an odd date starting from the last ten nights of Ramadan.

The night is called in Arabic Laylat Al Qadr which means the night of destiny and power, value and decree of which the verses of Quran were revealed to Prophet Mohammad.

During the last ten days of fasting Muslims around the world perform a specific method of meditation which consists of in addition to fasting keeping light diet consuming little food and above all restraining from earthly matters, many of the devotees who can afford it tend to retreat in mosques and spend their time in devotion and worship fulfilling their duty of being born for servitude as their target in life, this worship act Muslims call I’etikaf (retreat).

The Holy Quran mentions this night in the following Surat:

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand:
Peace!…This until the rise of morn!

Surat Al Qadr /97.

Out of an endeavor to bring you valuable information related to mediation and spirituality we are providing some unique and rare information to help you observe this night during this wonderful cosmic period hoping that by performing your way of mediation regardless of your faith and religion will bring you closer to your desired goals in life and therefore reach your own inner peace.

Remember the most probable time for this anniversary is the ten last odd nights of Ramadan starting from after Isha prayers till dawn. (isha prayers can range in time starting from 6 pm depending on where you are located across the world, an ample of information and informative websites are available for you to consult with based upon your location).

Happy Ramadan Everybody



Thu or Sat are the most likely times for the next Laylat al Qadre

According to many Muslim scholars the sun following the fajr of that specific night will rise without its usual glowing rays, and that is how they use to know that the previous night was laylat al Qadr night.

According to the table of the planetary hours

I expect the time to be On Tuesday of the 23 of Ramadan around 3am before dawn.

My predicted time is marked in red also.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Hrs from-to
Hrs from-to
Thu Fri Sat
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 8 1 Sun. Moon. Mars.
Moon. Mars. Mer. Jup. 9 2 Ven. Sat. Sun.
Sat. Sun. Moon. Mars. 10 3 Mer. Jup. Ven.
Jup. Ven. Sat. Sun. 11 4 Moon. Mars. Mer.
Mars. Mer. Jup. Ven. 12 5 Sat. Sun. Moon.
Sun. Moon. Mars. Mer. 1 6 Jup. Ven. Sat.
Ven. Sat. Sun. Moon. 2 7 Mars. Mer. Jup.
Merc. Jup. Ven. Sat. 3 8 Sun. Moon. Mars.

If you are a believer in miracles we invite you to participate in performing your meditation and observance of the heavens during the above mentioned period, if you are not a believer yet, then there is no harm done by performing mediation while keeping the hope for a first miracle in your life.

If you are lucky and you happen to be chosen for the laylat al Qadr to be revealed to you, you will see a beautiful and majestic light portal opening to you and when that happens you will know what to do and what to ask.

I for one will certainly look forward for a very special spiritual meditative night on that date.

Those of you who choose to participate with us this marvel be kind enough and share with us your experience by sending your comments to post on the website.

And may you reach your inner peace on this journey of spirituality and self-improvement.

Good luck



Adam El Masri

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Human Face Cloude


A mysterious cloud formation resembling a human head

was caught on tape during a storm in Canada this week.

Cameraman Denis Farmer caught the spooky film from his back yard in Grand Falls, New Brunswick as a storm brewed over the east Canadian town. The clouds seem to form a human profile before disappearing into the haze.

It is just luck that causes clouds to look like recognisable shapes – and this is a particularly striking example of a cloud looking like a face,” National Centre for Atmospheric Science spokeswoman Dr Perry told Yahoo! News. “This cloud is a cumulonimbus, a storm cloud” these clouds create intense up and down drafts; that is, up and down movements of the air within the cloud,” she added.

These up and down motions cause the air within the cloud to move rapidly, we see this as the visible edges of the clouds swirling, moving and change shape – causing in this case a cloud that resembles a face.

Since being uploaded to Youtube on Monday the clip has received over 330,000 hits, many debating on whether the form has a deeper meaning or is a complete coincidence.




Source: By Adam Parris-Long, Yahoo!


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News Brief – Jinn Rumors in Makkah



MAKKAH: There are widespread rumors among Makkawis claiming some abandoned buildings and estates are possessed by jinns.

According to the widely circulated gossip, residents of these buildings located in various districts of the holy city, especially on the outskirts, say they vacated their dwellings after supernatural forces had harmed them.

There are divergent views among local residents with regard to the rumors. However, most of their views seem to confirm the existence of something mysterious at these buildings.

These have forced the owners of a number of such buildings and plots of lands to sell them at much lower rates.

There are also reports that some realtors are allegedly behind these rumors.

Local resident Muhammad Bazaid said it was easy to identify abandoned buildings that are allegedly possessed.

“Some buildings and estates in the city are known to be possessed by jinns. People used to say that,” he said, while noting that this situation is being exploited by some realtors.

“They are behind spreading of these rumors and are thus instrumental in lowering prices of these properties. They then try to buy them at prices much lower than the market value,” he said.

Majdi Habeeb, another local resident, told Arab News that there are some abandoned buildings and enclosures in the city. They are reportedly abandoned after being possessed by jinns.

“There are rumors that these forces either attacked the inhabitants or frightened them by making noises, causing fires and so forth, forcing them to leave the place,” he said.

“When I visited the house of a relative in an undeveloped district in the city, I found an abandoned house in the neighborhood. I saw the lights were on and the windows open. When I asked about it, the neighbor told me the occupants of the house were forced to abandon it recently due to an unbearable situation,” he said.

There were eyewitness reports of residents having stones thrown at them from their house, he said, adding that they also found some giant cats moving around and howling excessively.

He said they failed to drive them out and at last they abandoned the house after being advised by some sheikhs not to provoke the jinns further.

“When the neighbors abandoned the house, they asked us to monitor the situation at their house after their departure. But the situation is still the same,” Habeeb said.

Turki Al-Hussein recounts a similar experience with one of his neighbors. “The other day, I saw my neighbor and his family leaving their old house at midnight. They were in a bewildered state. When I asked them why they were leaving, they said people would not believe them if they gave the real reason,” he said.

Al-Hussein added that people in the neighborhood later decided to conduct a search at the house. “When some of the neighbors entered inside the house, stones were hurled at them. There were also some big cats and birds such as owls hovering above their head. They also heard some strange noises and that forced them to run away from the house,” he said, adding that the building was then abandoned and its gates locked with chains.

Meanwhile, the owner of a real estate office confirmed to Arab News on condition of anonymity that certain businessmen were exploiting the situation as a ploy to reduce the prices of residential buildings and plots of land.

“They spread rumors about certain buildings so that nobody comes to buy them and their prices remain low. Over the course of time, these unscrupulous guys manage to buy the properties at the price they want,” he said, claiming several such abandoned buildings and plots of land on the outskirts of the holy city have been sold in this manner.

“Prices of such properties are now 10 times higher, thanks to the new residential townships being developed there,” he said.

Muhammad Al-Suhali, director of the Islamic Studies Center at Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah, said such disturbances by jinns could be something that actually happens as confirmed by the Holy Qur’an.

“There are believers and non-believers among the jinns. Those who cause trouble include both Muslim and infidel jinns. There could also be differences in the types of harm caused by them. There are jinns who set fires inside a house or those who make frightening noises in order to create panic and confusion,” he said.

Al-Suhali noted that there were reports about some houses reportedly possessed by jinns. “There is the possibility of humans can be troubled by jinns and vice versa. There are tribes and groups of jinns living in their own homes while others target houses already occupied. Some jinns take vengeance on people who build on their houses,” he said.

Source: Arab News



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The Enigma of Melchizedek

One cannot help but reflect on the book of Enoch when one watches the popular movie The Matrix, and the series of events surrounding the movie, starting from the main character Neo to the rest of events reflecting on good fighting evil and righteousness confronting tyranny, we who watched The Matrix all remember how Neo at the end had to meet with the maker of the Matrix to persuade him to give humanity another chance before total annihilation. Continue reading The Enigma of Melchizedek

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A Session in Chemical Vibration & Energy Generation



In pursuit of precious knowledge on the path of enlightenment I share with you my learning experience during my energy healing training session with my Guru hoping you will benefit from it the way I did.

While sitting in a cafe, with Adam we started our session with the chemical vibration, its existence and how it generates and transmits from one individual to another mainly in three effective ways; fear, hate and sexual desire in addition to pure love. Continue reading A Session in Chemical Vibration & Energy Generation

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Enticement & Incitement

Beware of the gremlin inside you before you cry wolf… The strongest enticement ever is the act of enticement that leads to incitement.

The act of enticement has many facets and an abundance of means and tools but above all it requires the will of an individual to will over the will of another individual in order to perform a successful act of enticement. Continue reading Enticement & Incitement

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The Ultimate Feng Shui



Feng shui stands for Wind Water in English, widely relied upon in oriental construction culture in buildings of all types and usages, but above all in sacred and important buildings such as temples or towers and skyscrapers.

When one hears of the word Feng Shui one immediately relates it to China and Chinese culture, in part that is true, but in reality Feng Shui term is the only accurate correlation to China, for the art of Feng shui though in different terms and different languages was first applied and recorded in history by the Egyptians along with the sacred geometry in constructing the mighty pyramids, that was the ultimate feng shui. Continue reading The Ultimate Feng Shui

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Legacy and Science… Reincarnation is a belief shared by over a billion devoted Hindus and Buddhists around the world, it even succeeded in finding a foot hold in western civilizations after the spread of yogism and eastern spirituality during the 20th century after colonialism shrank away and western and European forces started pulling back from India and China.

Hinduism and Buddhism belief emphasizes on the ability of the soul to return to life in a different form using a different body, whereas, monotheistic belief focus on one life for one soul concept.

Several scientific attempts were made to explore the possibility of soul reincarnation; most popular of such researches was led by Dr. Ian Stevenson, a United States academic psychiatrist and founder of perceptual studies Division in, department of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, Virginia University focusing on the study of children who remember former lives and near death experience.

Though orthodox Jews have a doctrine supporting reincarnation, skepticism still surrounds this issue, and my belief is;  it is one of the most confused concepts amongst us due to lack of seriousness in related research to it.

I dare to say confused issue because if one considers reincarnation one finds himself ending up in even more serious puzzle to solve.

If there is reincarnation to souls then where does that lead us if we are to refer to the Day of Judgment  as a common belief in almost all religions?

How would souls be summoned, and based upon what principle would be judged!

If we are to believe that reincarnation is a due process after death, that would lead us to the ultimate injustice of having a soul judged several times,  Which may become an endless process with no determining of its end results due to its complexity.

What is more out of context is the mere fact that if reincarnation is a due process after death this would translate to indicate a shortage of solutions to soul judgment for such would be a primitive method to carry on, and for what purpose!

It is as important to stress that the non existence of reincarnation as a due process after death does not mean its non existence as an available alternative in special cases.

Reincarnation may be available as an alternative method for special cases only, and it is not a due process after death.

I believe that the misconception of reincarnation originated from the belief of recycling and purification, and I personally can accept that. Since my belief in such process is based upon more solid logic and less Theo/philosophy.

I believe reincarnation happens only once when a person dies and the soul departs the physical form, he then reunites with his existing soul when its due to resurrect for judgment.

There is no shortage of souls to distribute amongst living beings and no lack of methods to purify and recycle such soul since it is still a form of ether plasma/static substance capable of unlimited options including splitting and developing into new and more pure energy indefinitely.

The spirit of an individual being is in its semi primitive form when it is still occupying that beings physical body, but once it departs it becomes a soul, and when the day of its judgment approaches it would be judged as a spirit and not as a soul, for a soul is just an energy with no identity where as spirit is identified with the body it occupied during life on earth.

Life on earth is just a phase of transit between different space and time, and the spirit existence on earth is temporal, it transforms after death to soul and may coexist in a parallel world in waiting for the end time of this life cycle to be finalized by the process of judgment leading to its selection and deciding its next destination based upon evaluation of its purity.

Spirituality and religious teachings are only meant to direct spirit toward purification in order to benefit better results when judgment is made and selection is done.

That is why we all share in the belief of the eternity of souls and not the eternity of spirits, because spirit is but a term to describe the life on earth and its transit phase after death and before judgment day.

Soul energy utilization is based upon what creature or being it is meant to occupy and revive, example: a dinosaur spirit needs a different category of soul to pump up life into its physical body, where as a whale spirit needs a different soul category all together.

Each soul has a different category based upon what is its designated duty and role.

A human baby would have a soul to become his spirit based upon the structure of his mother and father souls. In other word; my spirit would ultimately need to carry the same genes of my parent’s soul as well.

The soul energy of my parents would develop a new string forming offshoot energy to occupy my physical body and to become my own spirit.

This logic is more evidential than others. A more string oriented concept is easier perceived by my mind, and may lead me to better perception of the whole process of life and death and Judgment and the relation that binds the creator to the created and the purpose of creation.

My spirit and after it transforms into a soul does not and cannot occupy a cats physical body or a rat or even my other non physical body waiting in transit, because my ether or Astral body in fact still lives using this energy soul designated to serve my purpose of existence in this life and the after this life and the eternal life beyond.

And just for the sake of arguments: Jesus soul still occupies his Astral body in waiting to return to this realm of space time and will not possess  or inhabit any other.


Adam El Masri

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Reintroducing Energy Healing



Better known in modern language as bio energy healing and known to ancient civilizations as spiritual healing. The bio energy healing has become an alien to most of the modern world, though trying to find its footsteps again and rediscover its roots,

it finds more alienation amongst us when its referred to as spiritual healing due to being subjected to innumerable forms of crockery, hijacked by modern masters of the want to be and the imposter opportunists making sure an advantage never escapes them. Continue reading Reintroducing Energy Healing

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The Opening to the Psychic World


Neutral believers of paranormal entities and phenomena are yet confused of their in dept purpose to humanity.

Astrology sings or star signs are already universal terms but deliver no unique impact to what does it really means or its true objectives. Psychics would explain the topic more deliberately and more specific but some readers may not understand some distinct terminologies and issues that surround the subject. It is common that psychic personalities were labeled by the general public as eccentric, mysterious, “out-of-this-world, powerful and knowledgeable individuals, or in other words, difficult to understand.Â

From my article “Psychic Reading: The Fun of Knowing”, I quoted the idea “Many people has their own interpretations of their intuitions and natural perceptions. But the bases of its truthfulness or reliability are sometimes doubtful for some people.” This bring us to the reality that some people has their own explanation and interpretation of psychic knowledge because of lack of adequate information.

Fortunately for everyone, the psychic business or public psychic service break that gap between psychic erudition to civil understanding. Because of the need to be virtually open, the paranormal world involving psychic and mysticism cradled books, libraries and other references with psychic dictionaries. This way, people could easily define each nomenclatures that connect and describe some supernatural phenomena.

Uncommonly, this introduction to their world resulted negative effects also to most psychic personage. Critics, non-believers, and religious communities criticize their faith and practices unevenly. They are sometimes exiled from the society because of their odd behaviors, lifestyle and beliefs. Even others would declare their doings as part of evil paganism.

But because of modernization (means more choices for information dissemination) and thorough education, a positive quantity of literate individuals already accepts this uncanny knowledge as part of human learning. Even scientists are open to the idea since some of their discoveries and inventions came from the concept of mysteries, phantasms or supernatural impressions. Astrology, for example, is an ancient knowledge for extra-terrestrial depiction and prediction; and which applied by science as astronomy and also with meteorology.

Overall, learning the principles and beliefs of psychic exposes the public to the reality that there are things hard to explain but can be understood with the right cognition and with the right people to ask. Some psychics too understand this boundary of paranormal comprehension of the common people so they learn to expand their definition and explanation of everything about psychic and spiritual world. Thus, people who tend to be cognitive and open-minded with psychic knowledge accept their existence and their probable positive impingement to the society.



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The End of the World and 2012



Terrence McKenna and Timewave Zero

December 21, 2012 is a date that has gained much interest and speculation as it’s time draws near. As with the Y2K apprehension, there are those readying themselves for the possibility of the world as we know it coming to an end. A recent movie has depicted what could possibly happen, and there are message boards all over the internet buzzing about the subject. The question on many people’s minds is… did the ancient Mayan civilization predict the end of the world using a long count calendar? More importantly, how accurate is the date? Continue reading The End of the World and 2012

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Spirituality and Depression



Settle in a comfortable armchair that you favor. Have a chamomile goblet in your grasp, play some memorable soft music or listen to a soothing harp, with a touch of lavender or frankincense for an alluring trap, take a deep and sedating breath, relax your shoulders and indulge yourself sifting through wisdom in depth.


As established in previous articles defining spirituality as the balance between mind and body, and the importance of its role in guiding us towards our self awareness and inner peace.

And as concluded that spirituality can indeed alter an ill behavior or a miss conduct, it can also buildup self esteem and self motivation.

The self is the most important factor in forming a personality, and how we nourish it dictates how our personality shapes and settles.

The self by nature is more likely to attend to present issues rather than foresight a future effect of a current cause or regress to avoid a repetition of past mischief or mishap that is why the self falls into so many frequent unforeseen traps.

The self needs to be educated, pampered and catered for, it needs to be motivated and constantly reminded of its priorities since it is seldom aware, as it is driven by desires and temptation with high regards to criteria and spontaneous interests.

Spirituality does exactly that. The whole aim of spirituality is to set the guidelines for self improvement and self progress.

As for depression the mind deformity of this age, I have given an ample of information about it in my previous (related to depression) articles. But I am afraid it’s never enough said about this very traitorous opponent to the self.

Ego tends to mislead us into ignoring the early symptoms of depression, which is anxiety, fatigue, and sleeping disorder in addition to the lack of concentration, social interaction, self esteem and other repercussions falling under endless negativities.

The reason why almost 20% percent of the international populations of our race are falling under depression is that the majority of us totally ignore it, giving it an advantage to sneak and infiltrate our mental health pattern and inhabit our minds while inhibiting our average day performance.

And as I have frequently attempted to focus on a new observation in my articles, I will keep to what I am accustomed to and raise the eyebrows of behavioral science community to this new observation.

A new observation will help categorize depression in the field of behavioral science I hope.

When I started observing depression conditions and cases in its mild or sever forms, I at first thought it befalls the poverty stricken communities of the world at a higher rate in comparison to the socially well off and financially more secure.

Well, in part that maybe true, only and on the other hand, I found it to spread among the well off, good looking, elite and popular individuals just as much, even more.

However, the difference which is truly remarkable in here is the fact that the poor and humble tends to recover from depressions much faster than the well off.

We all run into obstacles deterring us from reaching our set out goals, but the ones who are used to success and easy living finds it much harder to adapt to new situation facing them and easily go into panic mode, while the poor and humble has (due to his experimental immunity in life) simpler way to adapt, what come may, this adaptation is what really concerns me in this article.

I remember a common saying; as high a bird may fly, as would be his fall. To put it in other words, the higher you climb the harder your fall will be…

The poor and humble have it in their culture to surrender and accept what befalls them and maybe that is why their depression is usually less sever and their recovery would be much faster. Could it be that their expectations of materialism is in reality lesser…

The poor and humble falls into trance more often and at a faster pace than the rest, and trance is a great healer to many ailments including depression.

Spirituality is the best tuition available at hand and certainly better than anti depressant drugs and much cheaper for that matter too.

Spirituality promotes inner peace and self assertiveness when it comes to setting out priorities in life, and what makes us more liable to fall victims for depression is at the end our list of priorities and expensive goals. This list of priorities is what dictates the pattern of behavior of the majority.

Spirituality may and can indeed heal depression by converting us into less demanding to material things and less overloaded with superficial visions to achieve through excessive consumption pattern.

It seems that the poor and humble found a more convenient way to tackle depression, and that way can be also found in spirituality and religion which is but a vehicle promoting spirituality to help us sustain our sanity and preserve our inner and overall peace in life.

Look for the simple things in life with a gentle stride may you strive.

As I write my final phrase, and you cease your gaze to depression maze

Finish your chamomile and stare into the void for a while.

Enjoy the rest of your day and let spirituality guide your way.

Hum yourself a lullaby theme and get yourself ready for a twilight dream.


Adam El Masri

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Spirituality and Lesbianism



What is Spirituality? What is Lesbianism? Can Spirituality alter such behavior? Is Lesbianism a case requires a cure?!

How did science tackle such abnormal behavior, and what is the role of Religion and Politics in facing homosexuality between same sex males and females.

Spirituality in definition is the balancing realm between mental mind and physical body, without spirituality there is no neutrality, without neutrality there is no balance, and without a balance in life there is no peace of mind, no appropriate health awareness and no keen sense of nature preservation. Continue reading Spirituality and Lesbianism

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Colors in Dreams



Dreams in colour are rarer in comparison to others. The question of colour in dreams has been proved of absorbing interest; and there has been much research into the subject. We often claim to have dreamed in colour but when we are questioned we fail to clearly tell which colours we have dreamed in or what was the colour of a particular object or so. This, to some extent, is because of our tendency to forget our dream once we are awakened. Continue reading Colors in Dreams

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Eyewitness to Eternity

Solomon, Cave of Ages, Luz and much more… He lives, he lives! A new name discovered to add to his long list of names and attributes.

He lives through the ages, not only lingering within the hidden pages and scrolls of human history, but also through secretive past, mysterious present and more, the mystical future of mankind. Continue reading Eyewitness to Eternity

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The Dangers of Binaural Beat Meditation



Thousands of individuals use Binaural Beats every day with no adverse reactions. After all they are non addictive and certainly not abusive in any way.

There is a small number of people that should never use these Beats. This article should be read very carefully and if you have any doubts you should then seek the opinion of a medical practitioner before using them.

People who suffer from any type of seizure should never attempt to use any type of Brainwave Entrainment technology. These work by emitting a constant pulse of sound, which causes electrical impulses in the brain, changing brainwaves. These may bring on seizures in people prone to this complaint.

It is not advisable to use this therapy on children due to them being more prone to seizures. Even children that have never had seizures before can sometimes be affected by the like of certain television programmes or computer games.

You should not operate machinery, drive or listen to any type of meditation, whilst carrying out any form of activity that requires your undivided attention. You never know exactly how deeply you will become relaxed whilst using meditation so it is always advisable to make sure you are in a comfortable environment with no other disturbances.

Many serious health problems have been helped by using Binaural Beats. However, this should only be undertaken with the co-operation of a qualified health professional. These beats have been know to assist with stimulant and illegal drug addiction. Also for the cure of headaches, arthritis, muscle pains and much more. Please note that people with a damaged heart of those with a pacemaker should only use brainwave entrainment after consulting with their health provider. These beats may cause a change in your hearts natural rhythm and as such could cause damage to an already delicate organ.

If the above information does not relate to you then there is no reason why you could not use Binaural Beats. They are a very effect form of meditation and as long as the above guidelines have been followed, there is no reason why you should not have a very pleasant experience using this form of brainwave entrainment..

Lisa Moore has been meditating for many years and has put her knowledge and experiences onto paper. As well as a book explaining Binaural Beats in a user friendly fashion, she has also included a book which details how to make your own Binaural Beats for free. With the added bonus of free Binaural Beat Downloads. You also have the opportunity to sign up for Lisa Moore’s free e-course in Psychic Abilities.

Discussing spirituality, spiritual development, self development, meditation and much more.

By Lisa C Moore

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Easy Astral Projection with Binaural Beats



There has been a lot of research into Binaural Beats and how they can make easy astral projection possible.

But a lot of people still don’t really understand about Binaural Beats at all so let’s take a brief look at exactly what they are and the benefits to using brainwave recordings.

Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Heinrich Wilhelm Dove was born on October 6 1803 in Liegnitz, Prussia. In 1839, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that when two different sounds of two different frequencies were sent to a person’s ears, the two frequencies produced a whole other frequency, or “beat”. Hence the term Binaural beats. Now how this relates to making easy astral projection possible is the application of these beats.

Scientists have since found that this alternative frequency heard inside the brain actually aids the brain at achieving a relaxed meditative state. This is what is of course of interest to astral projection practitioners as an aid to achieving this astral state much easier. Here’s how it works.

Binaural beats are used to help stimulate creativity or to induce a deep state of meditation. These binaural beat recordings are specifically designed to help you focus better for mind easier. They are a truly a breakthough for those people who have attempted such meditative states as astral projection but haven’t succeeded. It has been shown that with the aid of such a brain wave recording many people have been able to achieve an astral voyage on the very first attempt.

There’s a lot of other benefits to using these recordings from helping to lower blood pressure to preventing depression. More can be learned about these by reading and understanding more about them. Tony Bolton is an avid paranormal enthusiast has written more about Binaural Beats and how they can make easy astral projection possible at

By Tony Bolton

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