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Symbols in Dream



Symbols in a dream, are actually the elements that make up the details. Even specific actions are sometimes symbols (such as falling).

In the dream above about the hall, the pictures, ceiling, arches, paintings and even the mouse, are all dream symbols. All the little details mean something. Symbols, for the most part, are a very personal thing. Meaning that a “dream dictionary” may not necessarily have the correct definition to the symbol in your particular dream. Why? Because we associate meanings differently from one another at times.  Continue reading Symbols in Dream

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Introducing to our Para Community the PARADETECT LIAISON and representative in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai:

Paradetect gladly introduces our Para Liaison Dubai and the United Arab Emirates Mrs. S. Mousa.

Mrs. Mousa has been an active member since day one of the formation of PARADETECT and has performed many promotional activities and offered very valuable services to Paradetect and its cause.

Our Liaison activities:

Mrs. Mousa is playing a major role in promoting and marketing our cause, services and products in the United Arab Emirates, starting with the Winaura Agency, Lyda Brand ATV and motorcycles, and the spiritual courses teaching Meditation, Holistic and Energy Healing.

Mrs. Mousa is currently forming our first Para Community Cell (PCC) in the Gulf region, all are invited to join in and register to be able to participate and share our activities and various upcoming events for Gulf region.

Our members living in the Gulf region are welcome to interact with our Emirates Liaison for any further coordination or participation in our activities and services.

We are preparing for a seminar to launch the opening of our Gulf Office from Dubai and hope to hear from all of our members and visitors who happen to live in this region and are interesting in attending our activities by contacting us and registering the contact details and mobile phones for further coordination.


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Clairvoyance – Voluntary and Involuntary

The direct translation of the word clairvoyance is “clear sight”. It is defined as the ability to perceive or even see with the mind’s eye something that is going on in a remote location without any previous knowledge of the event.

Most paranormal professionals and enthusiasts believe that psychic ability resides (albeit unlocked) within every human being. Their belief is that most people do not tap into their clairvoyance because they are either too unaware or unwilling to unveil it, and that it takes perseverance to develop one’s own personal psychic abilities. In other words, everyone has a second sight but it has to be awakened. Don’t worry, you don’t have to obtain a tarot reading or call a psychic phone reading line. It just takes some introspection. Continue reading Clairvoyance – Voluntary and Involuntary

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Tips for Paranormal Investigators


Assign Tasks… Give everyone that is with you a different task. One should be taking notes, another should be monitoring the DVR, with another taking the pictures with the digital camera.

Any equipment such as data loggers, EMF meters, thermometers, etc. should have constant monitoring for changes, especially if no data loggers are being used.


Some teams will use a psychic… if this is done, it is better that any information obtained is backed up by research of the place’s history. The psychic should know as little about the place as possible, to see what is felt without suggestion.

Video Recorder

When setting up your video recorder, make sure it is firmly on a tripod (if one is being used) and that the night vision is enabled. Make sure there is no one smoking and that everyone participating remains still. During the recording, it is a good idea to snap several pictures, making sure that the straps and other attachments are removed from the camera. Be sure you are using the flash if it is at night, and that the photographer’s hair is completely pulled back and out of the way as not to interfere with the image produced. Take several pictures of the same area for later comparison.


When recording for EVP’s, be sure that the digital recorder is completely charged and is placed in an area where nothing else is around.

Make an announcement at the beginning of the recording telling who is there and a brief summary of what is going on. Begin asking a few questions such as “Is anyone here?” or “will you allow us to talk with you?” in a clear, loud voice.

Announce any noise that has a natural cause (such as a cough or a car going by).

Feel free to ask questions, just remember to leave plenty of time between each one to give anything that might be there a chance to respond. Make sure everyone is as completely quiet as possible.


Orb in Cemetery

Pareidolia (Matrixing)

Many photographs that can appear paranormal actually are nothing more than pareidolia (also known as matrixing). This is when a nondescript object seems to appear as something specific. It is the mind looking for something familiar.


If any “orbs” are captured… there’s a 99% chance that it is dust on the lens or some kind of moisture. This is the main reason it is so important to make sure the equipment is clean. Even so, if there is dust in the area being investigated, those little spheres that show up in a picture are most likely cured by a good vacuuming of the area! So always keep these things in mind when looking over photographs. Eliminate any possible causes for drafts that would change the temperature of the room, as well as any source of power that would change EMF readings.

When all of the evidence has been gone over and if you feel you have captured something… then would come the time for it to be looked at by a knowledgeable and reputable source in examining paranormal evidence. Be sure all pictures are originals, so that the exif information is included. Exif information tells everything about the camera when the picture was taken. If the camera had any faulty settings or long exposures, it would be able to be seen with this information.

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Check our Article: Orbs Phenomenon


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Basic Equipments for PI



Video Camera with Night Vision:

Sony would be the affordable top in the field here… of course the more complex, the more expensive the camera will be.

DVR’s will have the advantage of being able to have multiple cameras being used at once, as well as being able to control the settings and speed. IR (infra red) illuminators are especially helpful for recording at night by using LED’s (light emitting diodes) to conduct the light so the images can be easily seen. Flir cameras, although extremely expensive, are ideal for capturing thermal images (the heat produced by energy). However, at nearly $30,000, there aren’t many teams who have these yet.


Digital Camera:

Digital Camera with minimum picture storage of 300: Again, Sony would be the most widely used and recommended. Make sure the speed and the flash are on the correct settings, as the wrong ones will cause anomalies in the photograph. Having the camera set on manual will allow you to prevent camera shutters from being open longer than necessary, and give you more control with the focus. SLR (single lens reflex) cameras allow you to set the aperture to let the maximum amount of light into the camera lens when the lighting in the room is dim. Shutter speeds should start at about 1/60seconds, which are ideal in dim lighting with ISO’s (which measures the sensitivity of the image sensor) set between 400-800.

Digital Recorder for Audio:

(To listen for Electronic Voice Phenomenon “EVP”): Sony wins again with affordability and clarity. You will want the recorder placed in an open area to pick up any voices that could have an unknown source. In listening for EVP’s, make sure that all natural sounds are noted, and that each person hears the recording without knowing what the others heard. The recording should not be altered in any way, however you can slow down for clarity. Class A EVP’s are when it can be distinctly heard with no extra clarification. Class B’s can be heard with some sharpening… and Class C’s are unintelligible sounds.

EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Meter:

Trifield EMF Meter

The Trifield meter is ideal for this. It has the advantage of being able to detect fields from electricity, magnetic, and microwave emissions. It is actually preferable to some of the more expensive ones, as it can be purchased for under $200.00. Another meter, which is only slightly more expensive and has a temperature sensor as well, is the Mel-KII Hybrid meter. Before using it in an investigation, become familiar with how it works. EMF meters were intended for finding man-made sources of electricity, which is what needs to be ruled out first. Readings from natural sources of electricity don’t often rise and fall as man-made ones do.

Data loggers:

Laser Thermometers

This is becoming more popular in the field of paranormal evidence and storing of data. They can store the data collected immediately so it can be downloaded on the computer at a later time. Since they work independently of the computer while collecting the data, they are extremely convenient. Omega is a good brand and works well with most signals such as temperature and sound.

For gauging temperature changes: It is often thought that when a spirit is present, a particular room or area will have “cold spots”. Keeping a thermometer available will measure any temperature changes that in turn, will be compared with any other evidence.

Miscellaneous Items:

Other miscellaneous items that would be needed are flashlights, batteries, (plenty of spares), notepads (for taking notes during the investigation) and a first aid kit for any emergency medical issues.


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Basic Rules for Beginning a PI



1) If you are going to an abandoned location ASK PERMISSION. Find who owns the property and obtain the proper authorization to be on the premises.

Trespassing is a punishable offense, even for a ghost hunter. If the building is dilapidated or condemned… there’s a very good chance you could be seriously hurt from the condition of the floors or stairways. Continue reading Basic Rules for Beginning a PI

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Paranormal Investigation Guide


More and more people are wanting to do their own paranormal investigating. The popularity of shows such as “Ghost Hunters” has everyone wanting to find their own proof of the paranormal.

If one is seriously wanting to investigate a haunting, there are several things that are important to know… and many misconceptions that need to be clarified. Continue reading Paranormal Investigation Guide

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Parallel Worlds

Is parallel universe theory a science fiction? According to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists, there is a breakthrough which is described as one of the most important developments in the history of science.

This is very encouraging indeed, since parallel worlds belief is a very rich substance of ancient mythology and literature. And since I am an advocate of searching for the truth within the core of mythology which I believe is one of the major tools containing secret history of humanity and planet earth. Continue reading Parallel Worlds

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The Addiction of a Thought



When the word addiction is mentioned, most people start thinking of physical addiction whether it is smoking, drugs, alcohol, or physical abuse.

Addiction is more serious than that. People may get addicted to a thought or a behavior, and after a period of time this thought may develop into a fantasy. When a fantasy is formed, it becomes fixated in the mind and thus manifest in the pattern of behavior. Then it becomes an attitude accompanying every act and behavior of the individual associated with it. Continue reading The Addiction of a Thought

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Crisis in the Middle East



A close watch to current events in Middle East from different perspective. Crisis in the Middle East were ignited by two poles each with its own gravitational field, each is as dangerous as the other due to the global potentials of its spreading like a deadly virus.

The western pole of gravity is the new conservatives representing by G. Bush Jr. and all what he stood for (the tea party today). Continue reading Crisis in the Middle East

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A Journey to the Land of the Ancestors



He has grown up in an Arab environment, surrounded by Arab traditions. He knew about his Albanian background because his name indicated it and he had heard this from his parents, but he had never thought that he would one day step on the land of his ancestors. He hadn’t been able to learn from his parents or relatives about the exact place of his origin, but this didn’t stop him from wanting to travel to any Albanian land that he could. These were the words of Amer Arnaout, an Albanian from Lebanon, who has been living in Germany together with his family for 10 years. Continue reading A Journey to the Land of the Ancestors