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In the training period it is advisable to avoid eating meat, focus on vegetables and lots of fluids.  Olive oil, olives, fig, thyme, brown or dark bread, and fruits, especially bananas.


Never eat full, eat the third portion of what you usually consume.

Avoiding eating anything else than banana at night or before you go to bed…

Stay away from coffee or tea.

Take a shower; wear light color and cotton material, preferably white. Use a white bed sheet and pillow cover.

Repeat this recitation till you are totally relaxed:





Adam El Masri

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Sleeping Pattern

When going to bed or wanting to lie down, first thing you do is start your breathing technique, move in a very slow motion, try to think of nothing if not possible, and think of one simple thing.

Sit upright for couple of minutes before you lie down, focus on your breathing and gaze at one spot. Lie down, body is in straight line, your left foot stretched on top of the right foot, your right palm on top of your left palm resting at the middle of your upper stomach spot while your elbows touching the mattress or floor. Sleeping on the floor is much better than on a bed.

The pillow height must be convenient and matching to your shoulders form. A Japanese pillow shape is desirable.

You must lie still for at least ten minutes with listening only to the sound of your breath. Gazing at one spot, and thinking of only one simple thing.

Move your body forward and backward in slow motion, while sitting on the mattress, one minute or two before you lie down.


Adam El Masri

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Walking Pattern


When you walk, try to walk in an organized pace with equal distance, and distribute your body weight evenly, let your pace be light and steady.

Touch the ground with all parts of your feet from back to tip toes.

Lift your knees while you stride and avoid using only your hips to move your legs. It is similar to a cat walk thing. So try to cat walk.


Adam El Masri


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Smelling Technique



Repeat the following technique while smelling with eyes open, then close your eyes and repeat it while recording your observation.

Good place to start with is in the kitchen or the fridge. Or better still, in a field of flowers and roses.

You will realize at the end of this training that there is a different smell to everything around you, smells you did not know it even existed before.

You may be able to smell a perfume of a person hours after this person departs the place.

At the end of the training you will achieve the smelling of scent just like most animals do, you will be able to recognize the scent. Start your training with the closest persons to you, to avoid any embarrassment. Sniffing is not so nice in public.

This will help reading minds or anticipating reactions since fear, anger and counter feelings generates scent. Your target is reaching a level where you may recognize it.


Adam El Masri

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Tasting Technique


Repeat the following with tasting while your eyes are opened, then close your eyes and repeat by taking notes of what it is you taste and identify and describe.

At the end of this training you may become able to taste what is in the air particles

Every smell or aroma is invisible yet a substance existing carried with the wind and that is how many animals and insects follow food even in the middle of nowhere.


Adam El Masri

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Para Community – Case Ref. KSA-1



Paradetect is publishing this information based upon prior permission and request by the subject expressing desire to share his/her experience with our website visitors and members.


Paradetect and after preliminary data gathering have reached a satisfactory initial conclusion that the case is genuine and sincere and worthy of further investigation.

The subject is of highly educated academical background, a medical doctor with a trained scientific mind which makes the case even more interesting due to the capabilities of the subject to interact with our team and exchange information enabling us to carry on a thorough investigation based upon realistic data.

The Subject’s aim is to understand what normal science lacks to explain.

Paradetect’s aim is to find answers to what lies beyond the realm of physical plane and three dimensional sphere.

We believe that everything that surrounds us is of intriguing nature and in order to reach to the core of the subtle truth, we in paradetect will effortlessly pursue the truth knocking on every closed door peeking thru every black hole gazing into every hidden corner of our parallel universe, and we are not afraid to tackle and remove whatever obstacle we collide with on our path.

The subject stumbled upon our website thru search engines and reluctantly browsed what seemed at first vague and aimless like one gazing into the void.

Yet the subject’s hunger for answers and thirst for accurate information inspired him/her to continue browsing the website till he/she stumbled upon our spiritual consultancies and mediums.

We invite on behalf of our subject Paradetect visitors and members to read thru the following experience and participate in sending their comments, and having said that it’s fair to inform our readers of the willingness of the subject to share any further related information and answer any further question connected with his/her case.

We also welcome any of our interested truth seekers to involve in investigating this and any future case that we post on our website.


Adam El Masri

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Breathing Technique


Inhale for a period of 5 to 7 counts… Keep the breath inside for the same period

Exhale for the same period

What is crucial in this exercise is to keep the time distance between the three phases.

This lets your body consumes most of the oxygen that it inhales, while it broadens your lungs and sharpens your senses. It regulates the heart beats and flow of fluids resulting in total relaxation. This also is great headache, migraine and muscle pain reliever.

It strengthens body immunity and stabilizes the pattern of behavior.

You must sit upright or lie down upright when doing this and distribute your body weight in equal portions throughout the body. Try to make a shape of a pyramid with your body.

Shoulders must be relaxed at all times.

Breath loud to hear your breathe, again keep the time span. The duration of the training is from 10 to 15 minutes per day. Maybe divided into 3 periods (morning, evening and night).

Try hearing soothing music, you may use the audio collection at our website, you will find it in our Media.


Adam El Masri

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Enochian Alphabet & Dictionary


Origin and Usage… In this article we will introduce our readers to the Enochian alphabets and the Enochian dictionary while we will caution our readers not to pursue additional information unless they do not get easily offended, and those of religious background will indeed feel offended… Continue reading Enochian Alphabet & Dictionary

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Astral Secret Revealed

An ancient secret will be revealed in this article. A secret that has been practiced by spiritualists and pious people since ancient times all over the world no matter what culture they came from or faith they follow.


Hindus and Buddhists, Jews and Christians, and Muslims also practice it, it is universal technique, and we see it every time we watch a documentary related to spiritualism or religion.

This technique has a major significance in meditation and astral wondering, not only it psychologically prepare the practitioner to elevate out of his physical sphere but it also gives a meaning to his experience by being the crucial tool to attain higher knowledge and achieve a higher goals.

The technique is very simple, yet very effective for it triggers specific brain waves in human mind enabling it to be aware of his experience and provide it with assistance to focus on acquiring the higher knowledge of what may be out of this world data archive.

In fact, this technique helps us to manifest our newly attained ideas into the real world. As we have previously mentioned in our aboriginal astral travel, in dreamtime, which according to their belief consists of four parts: The beginning of all; the life and power of the ancestors; the way of life and death; and power in life. It is more powerful than time and space. The aborigines call Dreamtime the all-at-once time referring to the past, present, and future at the same time. When aborigines astral travel, they do so believing that people have a part of them which is eternal. And it existed before ones birth and will exist after ones death. It exists in The Dreamtime.

They regard dreaming as a unity of reality and dream life. Example, if one wants to achieve something in reality one must first find it in dream life and bring it into reality.

Brilliant and new ideas always come from the ether world, because the ether world is where we all started.

And since it all started in the Ether plane, the system of communication in that sphere is instant communication, meaning that if one think of something using the right technique one maybe able to manifest his thought into reality with the right technique and knowledge. In more popular term, a dream fulfillment, a dream comes true.

When we promote astral travel we are encouraging people to learn more how to fulfill their dreams , how to be more focused and live for a higher purpose in life, to be free and liberated from all fetters and bondage of daily physical life.

The technique we refer to uses several instruments to help us achieve better results. It use:

a- Audio instrument, (sound)

b- Repetitiveness (repeating specific words sometimes by using rosemary beads)

c- Soft physical motion (moving upper part of the body forward and backward and some cases sideward)

Applying the above instruments should be accompanied by a real effort to focus on the idea which we are trying to achieve, manifest or fulfill.

This technique is referred to as praise, In Arabic Tasbieh. And its sole purpose is to help bring our brainwaves to its intended low hertz frequencies to help us elevate, focus and manifest our ideas, once we are in the ether realm, the astral world where everything is surrounded by plasma and plasma matters only.

State Frequency range State of mind
Delta 0.5Hz – 4Hz Deep sleep
Theta 4Hz – 8Hz Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep)
Alpha 8Hz – 14Hz Relaxed but alert
Beta 14Hz – 30Hz Highly alert and focused

To help you achieve better resulted in your astral wondering we have written several articles and posted it on our website we truly recommend you read and study them carefully.

The articles maybe found in the spirituality section

Good luck with your next astral journey and may it be more fruitful from now onwards.

Adam El Masri


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Fight Corruption

Let our new slogan be “No more Corruption”. If those corrupt really know how much they are harming their own economy they would never be tempted with bribes no matter how big.

Blackmailing and accepting bribes hurt the local economy even more than money laundering.

When one accepts a bribe or commits corruptive acts by misusing authorities invested in him, he is actually destroying his national economy and taking away jobs from coming generations from his children and children’s children.

Let us fight corruption together, let us make this slogan our rhetoric for life

Paradetect is offering its forum as a tool to fight corruption and inviting all of our community to join us in counter corruption campaign to rid humanity of this ancient disease which spreads like cancer cell all over the world and especially in the under developed world.

If you have any story to tell about corruption case feel free to submit it to our forum and let your voice be heard and let others know

Paradetect Team


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Benefits of Astral Projection

Many people wonder about Astral Travel or Out of Body Experiences (OBE). They even ask what possible be its benefits for them to take it seriously and learn about it!!

In the astral world, there are no boundaries of one’s exploration even the skies and seas. One can travel out into the infinite space explore the planets and other distant galaxies, fly way beyond the blue skies or glide thru the air and over the ocean like a seagull or dive inside and swim like a dolphin!!! Explore and learn from what’s above and what’s below and explore the Halls of Amenti as taught and mentioned in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

Some people experience astral projection daily unconsciously during their sleep. When they are fully conscious it gives them the ability to know that they can exist outside their bodies. It provides them with undeniable personal evidence that they are immortal.

If it’s possible that the astral body can exist outside the physical flesh then it is possible that the astral body survives physical death!!!!

The more we experience OBE, the more we start getting glimpses of our past present and future lives. These glimpses aid in finding our purpose of existence. The information gained can help us know ourselves better and make us get a sense of universalism, the feeling of which is ecstatic. It helps us expand our self-awareness, increase our level of maturity, and also accelerate our spiritual evolution.

Through Astral Travel all sorts of hidden knowledge, that can’t be attained in everyday life, can be attained through the astral planes, like meeting advanced enlightened beings that are from distant ancient traditions or different dimensions and learn from them, and even learn about the mysteries of life and death and what’s within and what’s beyond…

When we are conscious of our experiences and Senses in the Ether Planes and daily life, we start having a sense of overall well-being, increase in self-confidence, control of stress, emotional balance, heightening of intellectual capacities, and expansion of self-knowledge. It helps us to break free from old mental ruts and habits. We get a more enlightened perspective of our current existence and this expansive vision involves in awakening new levels of personal growth and understanding.

We all have questions like: What are we? What is our purpose? Do we continue?

Astral Projection helps in obtaining the answers we seek. It often sets us on a personal spiritual quest to solve the mysteries we have held since childhood. These questions and many more can be answered only through personal experience. It gives a certain excitement in its exploration because by exploring the non-physical realms, life becomes an adventure, an exciting journey of discovery that leaves a feeling of connection to something far greater than just possessing a physical body.

We realize that we can utilize our own energies and in favor of other beings. We become healers of ourselves and others mentally and physically for a better cause.


Dana Arnaout