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Congrats to Qais Al Falasi – A Graduate in Energy Healing Crash Course



New graduate from Energy Healing crash course, an elite and a leader in community work

Mr. Qais, I would like to congratulate you for the completion of our paradetect energy healing crash course successfully. Thank you for attending our course and we wish you the best in applying the energy healing techniques you learnt for the benefit of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Good luck

Adam El Masri

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Congrats to Tarek Al Ghamdi – A Graduate in Energy Healing Crash Course



New graduate from Energy Healing crash course, an elite and a leader in community work

Mr. Tarek, I would like to congratulate you for the completion of our paradetect energy healing crash course successfully. Thank you for attending our course and we wish you the best in applying the energy healing techniques you learnt for the benefit of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Good luck

Adam El Masri

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The Secret Shadows from Other Dimensions

An unprecedented finding will be revealed in this article… Did you ever experience seeing shadows in an empty dark space? Read the article to know why…

For those first timers who browse through our articles Paradetect focuses on finding  feasible explanation   for anomalies  and the unexplained paranormal events engulfing our daily events while unnoticed by the majority who are usually engaged in their daily living and what it entails… Continue reading The Secret Shadows from Other Dimensions

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Congrats to Asma Turki – A Graduate in Energy Healing Crash Course



New graduate from Energy Healing crash course, an elite and a leader in community work in Dubai

Ms. Asma, I would like to congratulate you for the completion of our paradetect energy healing crash course successfully. Thank you for attending our course and we wish you the best in applying the energy healing techniques you learnt for the benefit of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Good luck

Adam El Masri

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Beirut – The Rubbish Capital of the World



Ten thousand people or less demonstrate in a public protest against the piling of rubbish on the streets and couple of hundreds of villages across the country.

A protest started with demands to find an immediate solution leading to the disposal of Lebanese national waist and ended with a call for a total revolution against the regime which clearly projects confusion of it organizers who seem to have lost their bearing.

An attempt to find a practical solution to do rid the Lebanese of their rubbish leads to a response from Gebran Bassil obstructing and protesting that the Prime Minister Tammam Salam was acting as if there was no president in Lebanon…

This announcement drew attention of many of the Lebanese illiterate to request an interpretation from Bassil to his remark. Is there an invisible president in Lebanon that we do not know of?

Did this remark insinuate to a future proposed president such as Michel Aoun or perhaps an ambitious Gebran due to the coming of age deteriorating health of Mr. Aoun which lead to the modified behavior of Hezbollah which in turn lead to a change of Sayyid Hasan Nasrulla stance in reference to Aoun becoming the major decision maker or the path which next president should emerge from…

What is the chance of having sleiman frangieh Jr. or John Obeid to become the next Lebanese president?

What if the current rubbish related events are actually bound and related to a fear having Aoun lose his chance against those two very serious candidates for the presidency?

All of these are very legitimate questions and needs clear and solid answers so that the Lebanese may know how to adapt to any new rubbish policy in the coming future…

Meantime, a good and feasible suggestion for all of the Lebanese citizens to add to their fair demands one more crucial demand which is the formation of a new strategic  institute in Lebanon to care take  for our valuable wealth of future rubbish interests to make sure no one will deprive the Lebanese of this honor as well…

Concerned Lebanese passport holder.

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Deciphering TABLET XI – The Key to Above and Below



 Best to start with this article is an accurate definition of its title As Above and Below. Quote: When modern science extended the reach of its observation to the galaxies above and the microbes below, it made a surprising discovery: an atom proved strikingly similar to a solar system. Both were comprised of particles kept in orbit by the gravity of an energetic core. Modern technology had reiterated the wisdom of the ancients, who coined the very same discovery in the adage: As Above so Below. Continue reading Deciphering TABLET XI – The Key to Above and Below

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Beginning of perpetual journey… He is the seventh generation of Adam, the son of Jared and father to methuselah. It is said he was raised up in Babylon and at the age of forty he acquired his initiation into the realm of Prophethood, a messenger he preached the word of God and when God ascended him to meet he asked to become the teacher of man and his wish was fulfilled. Continue reading Babylon

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Depression Syndrome – Causes and Treatment

Since lack of happiness and contentment may become the main cause for depression and since an emotional shock may play a major role in different types and levels of depression, spirituality may also play a major role in treating all types of depression and may also save the depressed from reverting to anti-depressants flooding the pharmaceutical market. Continue reading Depression Syndrome – Causes and Treatment

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Energy Facelift


Face lift using energy healing! Is there any such a thing? Does it really work? Read all about it at “”. Can energy healing really get the job done, can we apply energy to stimulate facial skin to rejuvenate and regain its livelihood.

There are many benefits in energy face lifting and as experience proved face lifting not only did the job beautifully but it also lasted much longer than other unnatural face-lifting methods.

When we applied energy healing to face lift our clients were amazed, they couldn’t believe that it really works.

Our Ascent energy healing technique has no side effect and is totally natural, we apply energy with light massage and certain essential oils to give the facial skin its long awaited remedy from anti-aging by reducing wrinkles in a very obvious and immediate result it also reduces black circles around the eyes and rejuvenates the skin cell causing it to regain its natural livelihood.

Normal facial issues may take up to three session to be resolved while sever and more serious cases may take up to seven sessions, however, the results may be noticed from the first session. The session duration is usually from 20 to 30 minutes and its very refreshing.

Each session include light massage, aromatherapy and meditational music making our Ascent energy technique a unique method developed solely by paradetect.

You can also try our special Auraiel Xwrinkles Oil and Xwrinkle Soap which works wonders on your skin.

Our liaison in Dubai The Wellness Center currently offers this service upon appointment.

Contact the Wellness Center for an appointment or further details.

Le Solarium Building, Dubai Silicon Oasis
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: 04 388 6836 – 0506288301

The Para Team


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News Flash – Weird!



As I was in a friendly gathering with friends chitchatting and exchanging Happy Eid Al-Fitr wishes one of our friends showed a photo on his phone informing me that it was taken few days earlier few kilometer away from where I was,somewhere near an army barracks in the northern city of Tripoli in Lebanon, the friend continued informing me that this weird creature was seen near the barracks and the soldiers shot at it hit it but it did not die so one of them jumped into one of the army humpies and drove over it. Continue reading News Flash – Weird!

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The Art of Problem Solving

Common human mistake is to focus on thinking of the negative impact a problem may cause, this would result in blocking the mind from thinking of any solution, the mind becomes imprisoned by the negative thought preventing it from looking at the cause of a problem from different perspectives, learn from previous mistakes after analyzing the problem, study the probabilities available and pursuit an appropriate solution. Continue reading The Art of Problem Solving

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The Mystery of Frankincense

The myth of Tanzeel was and still is my muse… In my quest of solving the mystery of the relation of frankincense and the Tanzeel which I have explained in my late Red Mercury I , II & III  articles.

(Tanzeel is an Arabic term used to describe the process when a conjuror of alien Jinn request from the Jinn to bring him money in return the Jinn would normally ask for Red Mercury as a barter fee). Continue reading The Mystery of Frankincense

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Stardust of Energy

Energy is a property of objects, transferable among them via fundamental interaction, which can be converted into different forms but not created or destroyed.

In the case of human or living beings, energy is the properties of our physical, spiritual and mental form transferable through our bodies in a process of cycling and recycling such energy into a higher form enabling it to reunite at a final stage of purification with the source of the original prime energy that formed the cosmos with its complex multiverse structure. Continue reading Stardust of Energy

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Red Mercury lll

As I was on stop in Dubai I received a phone call from one of our chief investigators  asking if I could interrupt my trip and redirect to location to investigate another red mercury related claim.

when I questioned the urgency He informed me of a new case that needs to be investigated, a case related to our ongoing Red Mercury Investigation which paradetect launched several years ago… Continue reading Red Mercury lll