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Congrats to Ansam Al Shawabkah – A Graduate in Energy Healing Crash Course




Congratulation Miss. Ansam for your successful conclusion of Paradetect Ascent Crash Course and welcome to our paradetect community.

Ansam; you have shown a great talent as a quick learner and you have proven that there is no limit to those who want to change and choose the path forward to progress.

Paradetect would like to thank you for your outstanding performance.

Para Team


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English Grammar Made Easy




English grammar is enough to give anyone headache. If you are struggling to understand the difference between a gerund and an infinitive, a phrase and a clause, or simple past and present perfect tenses, this is the book for you. Complex points are simply and clearly explained in everyday language, followed by helpful check-up questions at the end of each section. Continue reading English Grammar Made Easy

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Face Lifting Crash Course



A crash course in Face lifting using Para Energy Technique will teach facial care using XWrinkle Auraiel Oil to rid you of facial wrinkles and help you maintain a clean and healthy skin.

A one day crash course will save you all the money you spend on buying beauty products which is full of chemicals that damages your skin on the medium and long term.

Certificate of completion will be provided.

For further inquiries contact us at

Or call the Wellness Center in Dubai, Silicon Oasis, Le Solarium Building, contact number Mrs. Samia +971506288301

The Para Team



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Weight Loss Crash Course




Paradetect announcing the availability of Para Energy Weight Loss Massage one day crash course. Coaching how to apply Para Energy Technique to the body to stimulate the fat burning process, detox the body and unblock drainage channels to regain natural balance while using XFat & Cellulite Auraiel Oils.

Certificates will be provided upon completion.

Contact us for further information

Or call the Wellness Center in Dubai, Silicon Oasis, Le Solarium Building, contact number Mrs. Samia +971506288301

The Para Team

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Energy Healing Progress – 21st Century Healing



A noninvasive complementary treatment, include para energy healing, therapeutic touch, Reiki, chi kung, shamanic healing and healing touch, among others.

Our universe is fully of energy and we are part of this universe therefore one of the natural channels of this energy, some of us learn how to utilize such energy to serve a better purpose for humanity. There are countless possibilities where energy healing may be applied and such application is ancient before and after the miraculous wonders demonstrated by Jesus along with many other prophets of the divine and messengers of God. Continue reading Energy Healing Progress – 21st Century Healing

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XWrinkles Oil



Auraiel Anti Ageing Oil… Face lifting and facial cleansing with our new essential oils formula is never better. We gladly announce the opening of an opportunity for all of our clients and visitors

to witness the demonstration of our new essential oils formula and energy healing technique application for face lifting and facial cleansing free of any chemicals.

Have a wrinkle free shining and healthy face and learn more how to maintain it at home by using our essential oils combination and energy technique.

Simply rub X Wrinkle oil on your face and massage gently for 10 minutes then leave it for 15 more minutes and wash your face with warm water, last splash cold water on your face.

We also recommend using Rose water to have a last face wash.

Contact us for further information and booking

Para Team


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Para Energy Healing at work – Mr. F. E


Weight Loss… Mr. F. E is a business man who travels a lot with an immense pressure and chaotic living, he seldom eat at home or on time and his overweight exceeded the health limits.

Mr. F. E went to many nutritionists and professionals including medical doctors hoping that somehow one of them would be able to help him get rid of his excess weight which began to affect his health.

Mr. F. E visited our center in Lebanon not convinced that we may succeed where all others have failed. He started our weight loss sessions using our special para energy technique and our Auraiel XFat & Cellulite essential oil. He and after two three months lost over 27 kilograms of excess fats, he was more than satisfied and quoting one of his remarks to us was that he once dropped his pen and picked it up subconsciously, he said; I even forgot that I can still make such a move since I haven’t been able to pick up what I drop for over several years…

Does it really work!

Try it to believe it

The Para Team


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Para Energy Healing at Work – Mr. Mohamad Beyrouty




Auto Immune Case… Mr. Mohamad Beyrouty is a young man at 23 full of energy and he is an IT expert. He suffered from Auto Immunity at the age of 20, it was sudden when he started feeling listlessness with numb lips and irritated skin, sometimes he would suddenly have pimples at his chest bursting out without any warning, he become irritant of almost all types of food but especially for dairy products such as milk and coffee made him feel helpless and sleepy, Lemon made him even worse and the list goes on and on. Continue reading Para Energy Healing at Work – Mr. Mohamad Beyrouty

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Meditation – Back to Basics




A vague title as it may sound but what would a person do when one loses his or her bearings when in an attempt to escape harshness he or she detach or lose touch with bitter reality.

This happens frequently in this day and age. Due to disorientation, lack of resources or a loss of motivational goals we become overwhelmed with the fake demands of living and its requirements which we ourselves fabricate and consider as measures of success Continue reading Meditation – Back to Basics

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End of Days

End of days and the prophecies of Daniel… Before we explore the Prophecy of the End of Days we will want to be introduced to Daniel, who he is and when he foresaw his visions foretelling events preceding the coming of the Antichrist and the End of Days.

The reason why we need to learn about this prophecy is the fact that many of world current events and happenings are falling into order with what Daniel and others after him foretold, such as Nostradamus whom his version of  interpretation managed to sell over seventy thousand copies during couple of months in the late 1970s and drove the western culture into a new reality right after the fall of the late Shah of Iran and the rise to power of Ayatollah Khomeini, I can still recall the fear on faces of the common western man promoted by western media coverage of events during that era and how most of the interpretations circled around the shadowy figure of Ayatollah Khomeini suggesting that he and the faith he represented could very well be the Anti-Christ or  the foster of this demon saying the least… Continue reading End of Days

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Energy Healing at Work VII – Temporal Paralysis



A rare case of temporal paralysis… This one of the rarest cases of temporal paralysis that we encountered at Paradetect

A young female pharmacist suffered from a rare temporal paralysis since she was a child.

She used to have this symptom four sometimes six months a year where she would be unable to move, here family are a well off family living in Dubai, They have tried all of what money can buy taking their child to the USA and Germany and sparing no avenue in modern medicine but they have tried, they ended up at paradetect after hearing from friends of cases energy healing succeeded in resolving.

The young pharmacist had to endure a lot of hardships knowing that there is no knowing when the symptom will attack her, her family deprived her from driving her car even though she held a marketing position in a pharmaceutical company in UAE, she was also hesitant to commit to any engagement for future commitment fearing that her symptom would negatively impact her future marriage.

When they visited our temporary demonstration center in Dubai the mother was extremely skeptic and the young pharmacist was very anxious since she has read many books and articles related to energy healing.

The session took over two hours and the last words of the young pharmacist were; it is so intense I need a break.

The session ended and the clients left full of doubt about the benefits of the session.

Five months elapsed from that date, the young woman phoned our Dubai liaison and invited her for her engagement procession announcing that ever since that session she was free of the symptom and is still until today…

Yes energy healing is working

The Para Team


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Energy healing at work VI – Infertility Cases




With infertility Paradetect encountered two cases and were successful in resolving it by using our energy healing technique.

Does really work!

Well, it did work in both cases where we were approached by to female clients accompanied by their husbands who tried everything available in the market including ordinary medical services.

Continue reading Energy healing at work VI – Infertility Cases

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Energy Healing at Work – Um Mohamad Case



Um Mahmoud wished to keep her identity anonymous her wish will be respected. Um Mahmoud is a Teacher she went through a major operation at her right shoulder and arm several years ago, apparently something went wrong after the operation um Mahmoud lost movement of her right arm totally, the color of her arm turned blue due to lack of blood circulation, it was cold and felt dead.

Um Mahmoud tried everything she heard of including alternative medicine she is an intellect who pays great attention to education for her and her children, a unique women, though very skeptical as well.

Her pharmacist son heard of paradetect and made a general inquiry at our temporary center in Tripoli Lebanon, after lots of skepticism and sarcasm he decided to bring his mother for a general scan.

After scanning um Mahmoud decided with her son to give it a try, to cut it short, after three months three sessions of energy healing with special massage technique um Mahmoud was able to partially move her hand again and the color of her arms as she noticed regained its vitality and the blood circulation regained its natural flew.

With proper technique and equipment paradetect energy healing proved it works

Para Team


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Energy Healing at Work – Mrs. F.D Case



Mrs. F D. suffered from great pains and migraine aches for ages, almost twelve years,

her doctor who is also her friend have heard of paradetect energy healing techniques and out of academic curiosity she Dr. J. brought her patient to our temporary center and asked if there is anything that can be done to help her friend and patient. It seemed she had a scoliosis at her left shoulder and arms which affected her neck causing the migraine…

Mrs. F. did try every medical therapy available at hand since she admitted to us that she did not have a good night sleep since twelve years.

We scanned her in presence of her friend Dr. J. and commenced our therapy sessions with her.

After three months with three sessions a week, Mrs. F. was back to normal and could enjoy a good sleep again ofcourse her migraines became nonexistent thought some slight headaches were rather very rare.

Good luck to Mrs.. F.

Mrs. F requested to stay anonymous.

Para Team


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Energy Healing at Work – Ms. R Case




Ms. R asked to keep her identity anonymous. Ms. R. is a beautiful young woman with an exceptional smile she suffered from scoliosis with her spine curved since she was a child.

Ms. R. is the only daughter in the family so naturally she was spoiled and her parents spared nothing in order to help her rid of her problem.

After attending approximately twenty paradetect energy healing sessions her back went back to normal again and her spine became straight as new.

We are unable to show pictures due to the request of Ms. R. we wish her the best of luck.

Para Team