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Energy Healing at Work – Suhair Case



Suhair suffered from left leg paralysis and right light semi paralysis, she tried all related fields of medicine but was unsuccessful in solving her problem which lasted for several years.

Suhair heard of paradetect and was desperate to try any available methods even energy healing. Continue reading Energy Healing at Work – Suhair Case

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Energy Healer Apprentice

Salam Lakdar heard about paradetect from her sister who tried our xfat and cellulite oil to help her get rid of her cellulite.

Salam was in Saudi Arabia at the time and when she heard from her sister her successful experience Salam decided to come over to Lebanon to personally witness how our energy healing works. She decided to attend to our weight loss massage sessions since.

Using our xfat and cellulite Auraiel oil and applying our weight loss massage technique Salam was able to achieve great results and within two month not only Salam managed to lose over 15 kilos but she realized that her body was burning much more fat than ever before.

Salam decided she wants to learn how to do this so that she can help others to enjoy the same benefits and results from our xfat and cellulite oil and weight loss technique.

Salam attended our crash course full of doubts if she would be able to really generate her own energy.

Well, after two weeks crash course energy healing and training Salam did at the end succeed to generate her own energy, she happily learnt our technique and now she is a qualified weight loss masseur energy healing the paradetect way.

Send your request to get in touch with Salam  Mrs. Salam

To learn more about our xfat and cellulite in Saudi Arabia and the paradetect energy healing crash course and our special techniques of weight-loss massage you can reach Mrs. Salam at +966544678417

The Para Team



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Encyclopedia of Essential Oils III




Eucalyptus: Arthritis, bronchitis, colds, coughing, fever, flu, poor circulation, sinusitis.



Fennel: Bruises, cellulite, gums, nausea, water retention, Fatigue.



Frankincense: Anxiety, asthma, coughing, scars, anti-depressant




Galbanum: Acne boils, bronchitis, cuts, lice, mature skin, muscle aches, poor circulation, rheumatism, scars, sores and anti-stress



Geranium: Acne, cellulite, dull skin, lice, menopause, oily skin, and anti-depressant.



Ginger: Muscles aches, arthritis, nausea, poor circulation, fatigue exhaustion.


Grapefruit: Cellulite, dull skin, ant-toxin, water retention, and anti-depressant.


Hyssop: Bruises, coughing, sore throat, respiratory system.



Jasmine: Dry skin, labor pains, sensitive skin, stress, depression, and anger.



Juniper berry: Cellulite, rheumatism, urinary system, Agitation, negative energy



Lavender: Acne, allergies, anxiety, asthma, athlete’s foot, bruises, burns, headache, Hypertension, insect bites, insect repellent, migraine, oily skin, rheumatism, Stress, great anti-stress and anti-depressant aroma


Lemon: Athlete’s foot, colds, corns, flu, oily skin, varicose veins, warts, its aroma brings happiness as it is a strong anti-depressant.



Linden blossom: Headache, oily skin, scars, spots, wrinkles and anti-stress and tension.



Marjoram: Muscle cramps and rheumatism, spasm, anti-stress.


Melissa: Flu, indigestion, herpes, nausea, shingles and cold sores and tension.



Myrrh: Amenorrhea, athlete’s foot, bronchitis, chapped skin



Nutmeg: Arthritis, constipation, muscle aches, poor circulation, rheumatism.

Bitter orange: Colds, flu, gums, great anti-stress and anti-depressant.



Oregano: Coughs, digestion, respiration and the aroma is a natural relaxant.


Parsley: Congestion, immune system, kidney infections and stones.


Rose: Eczema, hair care also anti-aging oil with great aroma to relief from anxiety and stress, a natural Anti-depressant


Rosemary: Aching muscles, arthritis, hair care, muscle cramping.


Spearmint: breathing disorder asthma and anti-depression, refreshing aroma.



Thyme: Arthritis, bronchitis, cuts, dermatitis, gastritis, calming aroma.


Remember to avoid drinking oils due to the lack of medicinal grade essentials oils in the markets.

Para team


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Deciphering Emerald Tablet VIII



The Key of Mystery… Our readers will find this tablet to be most interesting as it unveils many secrets with a different science from beyond from another space/time, wisdom of old and ancient, a virtue long forgotten. I hope we learn from our eternal ancestral source of such divine character the sage of humanity Thoth the magnificent.

Thoth resumes;

Unto thee, O man,
have I given my knowledge.
Unto thee have I given of Light.
Hear ye now and receive my wisdom
brought from space planes above and beyond.
Not as man am I
for free have I become of dimensions and planes.
In each, take I on a new body.
In each, I change in my form.
Know I now that the formless is all there is of form.
Continue reading Deciphering Emerald Tablet VIII

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The Mystery of: Are we alone?

Do not underestimate this article. Are we alone in this universe is a resonating questioning ever since man’s journey began on this planet.

We always looked into space above in search of an answer logical enough to substantiate our speculation.

But what if we were looking in the wrong direction? Continue reading The Mystery of: Are we alone?

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Hariri Tribunal



Watching the progress of events at the Hariri international tribunal brought back sad memories to most of Lebanese who recapitulated in regressive state the calamities that struck Lebanon long before Rafik Hariri played any public role in the Lebanese arena.


With Hariri many other politicians and innocent citizens lost their lives to terrorism and hate, to tyranny and hidden dictatorship…

But the tribunal can be a message of hope to those demanding international justice, security and peace.

Those of us who followed the beginning of events prior to Hariri and still continuing till present day know who executed the assassination of Hariri and all other politicians, but who perpetrated, planned and conspired is a different story. The assassination of Hariri involves more than one conspirator and the aims are more than one target, by removing Hariri and his allies from the political scene in Lebanon directly targeted the independence of Lebanon from Syrian occupation of which he was an insurmountable obstacle and indirectly targeted to stifle the influence of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon and as was revealed later the very role of Saudi Arabia in the whole of the Middle East.

Who would benefit from the killing of a peaceful loving human who never involved in anything other than successful business and later a very successful political performance, A philanthropist who extended hand and worm welcome to all of those who associated with him be it on the political, business or humanitarian level.

Rafik Hariri and his fellow martyrs deserve justice.

Humanity deserves justice as we all do…

South Africa recently lost their Mandela and so did India their Gandhi but as for the Lebanese and the Middles East we lost our own Hariri, the difference is our loss was not due to natural death.

May justice prevail and may peace reign in Lebanon soon.

But we still want and need to know the truth in literal terms and not in theory.

Good luck Saad Hariri and family and hopeful wishes to all of us who seek justice and peace in the forsaken Lebanon.

Adam El masri

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Muhammad Al Sha’ar Martyrdom



A new phenomenon unveils with the death of another young man from Beirut. Muhammad Al Sha’ar may very well prove to be the new Bou Aziz of the Lebanese Media at an age of sweet 16 this young martyr would have accomplished a miracle in the local media which was heavily occupied in dirty local politics for a long time…

The media coverage of the death procession of Muhammad Al sha’ar at his school in Beirut was emotionally touching and moving enough to summon the conscience of youth from all over the world to join in mourning him in an act of sympathy with Lebanese youth who lost touch with the their reality, He, Al Sha’ar along with several of his friends had a dream to join the MBA, he was a talented basketball player, he also liked to watch Harry Potter, perhaps he wanted to compensate his bitter reality with some magic, very much needed magic in the lives of Lebanese youth who are all but victims of the occupation of Lebanon by either foreign powers or alien ideologies imported from neighboring and regional  philosophies.

May this new calamity be an illumination of our endeavor for a better future for our youth all over the world and may the death of Muhammad trigger the change needed to bring peace and stability in the region.

Adam El Masri

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Muhammad Shatah Assasination



Why?! As events trickle on the Lebanese stage after the assassination of former minister Muhammad Shatah, dark shadows of part of the picture started revealing its secrets.

The several missiles landing in Israel launched from South Lebanon and the blockade of the highway to Beirut in protest for a kidnapped Lebanese citizen in Nigeria sheds light to what could be the reason behind the assassination of Dr. Muhammad Shatah.

Muhammad Shatah is from Tripoli City in the North of Lebanon, but what most people did not realize is the fact that Dr. Shatah originally came from the Tabbaneh area in the city of Tripoli, Tabbaneh is facing mount Mouhsin which is the Alawayt stronghold that supports Bashar Al Assad lately accused of being behind the infamous bombings of the two mosques of al Salam and al Taqwa resulting in over fifty dead and a thousand injured few months ago.

Though Shatah was very active in finding solution for the current stalemate in Lebanon, I do not personally think this would be enough for his assassination at this time, neither I believe that he was murdered because he was a moderate politician and a talented debater, It seems that being a Sunni from the Tabbaneh area was more probable cause for his assassination to instigate another round of fighting between Tabbaneh and Mount Mouhsin in an act of retaliation for his assasination to give a motive for the supporters of the Alawayts and their allies to interfere militarily in their support in preparation to bring more chaos into the Lebanon prior to the due date of the Lebanese Tribunal for the assassination of PM Rafik Hariri in mid-January 2014.

The Assad Regime and its allies in Lebanon would prefer to have Lebanon in chaos and without a government or even a presidency during the beginning of next year to secure the elimination of a possibility for any Lebanese government to have to respond to any obligation resulting from any request by the international tribunal trial of the five Hezbollah members accused of Hariri assassination…

The three billion dollars military aid for the Lebanese army granted by the Saudi Kind Abdullah may also be to prepare the Lebanese armed forces to respond to any hidden agenda by Iran, Syria and the Hezbollah camp in Lebanon…

Though there is so much uncertainty in the Lebanon after the assassination of Dr. Shatah what is certain is that 2014 will prove to be a very delicate year for the existence of Lebanon as we know it today.

Partition of Lebanon seems inevitable unless Iran and Syria let go of Lebanon which they hijacked for over two decades.

Lebanon is a failed state without the Lebanese workforce support in the Gulf countries.

Lebanon is too tiny to grab the attention of the super powers but Lebanon will prove to be contagious if the super powers keep on neglecting its need for independence and peace and ignore its rights to exist as a free and neutral country in this 21st century.

The Syrian refugees number is growing like wild mushrooms in every community throughout Lebanon, schools are not enough to cater for their children, hospitals are not equipped to accommodate or attend to their needs and the whole infrastructure of every city, town and village is exhausted and overwhelmed by the Syrian refugees invading even their fields and roads and accommodation needs.

The united nation and other donor countries do not give the needed help because the current government is corrupt and not even legitimate and the list grows longer and longer, will Lebanon have a break in the 2014 or will it breakdown that is yet to be seen in the 2014.

What come may, good luck Lebanon.

Adam El Masri

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Message in a bottle… Evil strikes again… Former Minister Muhammad Shatah was assassinated today along with up to eighty victims between the injured and those lost their lives so that a massage can be conveyed to specific people that Lebanon is still hostage of regional powers and it is still not allowed for it to be freed…

Lebanon took its independence from the French occupation on the 22 of November 1943 but since that date till to date Lebanon never really enjoyed any independence.

Shatah was known to have been close to Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri who was assassinated in a similar method though on a much rather scale on February 14, 2005, and he was one of the consultants for the son of Rafik Hariri, former Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

Shata was considered one of the doves of the 14th of March political movement, a highly educated debater and mediator he strived to keep a positive debate amongst all other politicians in Lebanon and because he kept his role as a moderator he was considered to be a soft target within the 14th of March movement, and he paid the price in a country ruled by chaos.

What massage is meant behind this crime seems almost certain to be a warning to the Lebanese President Mr. Mishal Sulaiman not to form a new government lead by Mr. Tamam Salam without the consent of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah camp.

What is expected to happen after this blasting massage is probably more explosive situation probably a renewal of unrest in the north of Lebanon capital city of Tripoli…

Who is next and what is next for poor Lebanon.

Adam El Masri

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Free Weight Loss Massage



With every new purchase of our X Fat and Cellulite Oil or X wrinkle and anti-aging Oil: Paradetect is offering a free weight loss massage session to demonstrate how our technique can really help you burn the unwanted body fat and get rid of your cellulite at the same time.

The session normal fees is 75 $ US. Dollars and it is free for you when you visit any of our centers in Tripoli Lebanon or in Dubai UAE.

X Fat and Cellulite normal price is 95 $ US. Dollars but when you buy it from any of our centers you will get a special promotion price for only 69$ US. Dollars, If you are a holder of our paradetect membership card you can enjoy the benefits of 50 % discount on any of our products and services.

Are you still hesitating to try us!

Hurry and make use of our Christmas and end of the year promotional offers.

For your health care read our Cases healed article and get back to us for any inquiry related to you health care and benefits.

If you are not a paradetect member yet apply for your membership card and enjoy the numerous benefits and savings we offer.

Good Health

The Para Team


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NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field




Our planet has come a long way in scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Mainstream science is beginning to discover new concepts of reality that have the potential to change our perception about our planet and the extraterrestrial environment that surrounds it forever. Star gates, wormholes, and portals have been the subject of conspiracy theories and theoretical physics for decades, but that is all coming to an end as we continue to grow in our understanding about the true nature of our reality. Continue reading NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field

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Encyclopedia of Essential Oils II



Absinthe: a stomach medicine, ailments such as indigestion, gastric pain, heartburn, dysentery and, an appetizer.

Anethi: seed Oil also known as East Indian Dill.oil. Used for relieving flatulence in infants, an expectorant with soothing effect, to lower blood pressure in adults.



Anise seed Oil: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, stabilizes digestive system relieves gas accumulation or nauseous migraines. Bled it with carrier oil such as peppermint or nutmeg oil and massage it on digestive area or on sore muscles or joint to sooth the pain  good for heart palpitation , bronchitis and spasmodic asthma, it may help restoring cardiac and upper respiratory conditions.


Amber: adorned in Middle East region as a relaxing perfume, mix it with carrier oil such as sweet almond or jojoba to make a great calming anti-stress anti anxiety  body massage essential oil, good for meditation.



Basil: Anti reparatory infections, mouth ulcers, stimulating, mental fatigue and migraines, wasp stings, assists  the respiratory system, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, influenza, or cough, fevers, anti depressant ,vomiting, gastric spasms, nausea, dyspepsia and hiccups. An analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative and good massages oil for exhausted muscles. Avoid during pregnancy or with a history of estrogen-dependent cancer.



Benzoin: Soothing massage oil good protection for skin




Bergamot: common in Middle East used in local sweets and traditional food and drinks, good for fevers, it is also regarded to be an anti stress, anti-depressant.


Birch: treatment RSI, cellulite, inflamed tendons (tenosynovitis),  close to being a natural  cortisone good for bone, muscle and joint discomfort. It aids in decreasing pain from arthritis, tendonitis, and rheumatism.




Birch Bud: diuretic, blood-cleanser and skin treatment, dermatitis boils and ulcers




Black Pepper: for muscular pain, analgesic.



Cardamom digestive aid, and aphrodisiac


Cajeput: if inhalated good for colds and reparatory infections


Carrot Seed muscle relaxant  and antioxidant purifies blood and detoxifies liver, an aid for hepatitis and enhances kidney and gallbladder, widely used in skin care products, a stimulator of red blood cells.



Cassia Oil used in aromatherapy and is often a component of potpourri but it is also a natural lipo inhibitor that helps in losing weight, Avoid using by pregnant women.Do not use during pregnancy




Celery: antidepressant and it improves the digestive system




Cempaka: an anti stress oil and incense


Chamomile: Abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis, dysmenorrhoea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites, insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress, wounds.


Coriander: proven to  lower glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels and supporting pancreas function. It also has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties.





Clary Sage: an anti depressant that calms nerves, sore throats similar to Sage.



Devil’s Claw: Rheumatism, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions



Cypress: menopausal issues, rheumatism, astringent


Elimi: anti-stress and a skin care oil at the same time.


The Para Team


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XWrinkles Oil



Auraiel Anti Ageing Oil… Face lifting and facial cleansing with our new essential oils formula is never better. We gladly announce the opening of an opportunity for all of our clients and visitors to witness the demonstration of our new essential oils formula and energy healing technique application for face lifting and facial cleansing free of any chemicals.

Have a wrinkle free shining and healthy face and learn more how to maintain it at home by using our essential oils combination and energy technique.

Simply rub X Wrinkle oil on your face and massage gently for 10 minutes then leave it for 15 more minutes and wash your face with warm water, last splash cold water on your face.

We also recommend using Rose water to have a last face wash.

For further information and booking contact us

Para Team

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XFat & Cellulite Oil Usage




Auraiel Slimming Oil…  A Mixture of pure organic essential oils with our secret recipes to help rid you off unwanted body fat.

With our awesome Auraiel Slimming Oil…

At Paradetect we research and we explore the para and beyond the common and that’s how we got our name.

For the last year we have been working on a special massage oil formula that combines the detoxifying benefits of invigorating bio organic essential oil to enhance the results of our weight loss program.

This innovation is a special mixture of herbal oils and extracts to speed up the process of burning the unwanted old fat in the legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen and arms.

Rubbing our slimming oil on the body will show an immediate increase of perspiration expelling fat from skin glands while improving skin tissue and acting as an anti cellulite agent at the same time.

We have been experimenting on our slimming oil for a year involving our weight loss program attending clients who expressed total satisfaction with the results.

Our weigh loss program includes stimulating the fat burning hormones to function more efficiently by applying our Paradetect energy healing technique.

If you are having over weight issues and would like to get rid of the access weight but you do not know how, we recommend you try our slimming oil.

Method of use:

Ten minutes physical exercise followed by vigorous rubbing of the oil on wanted area such as abdomen, thighs or buttocks, when applying the oil on the abdomen area make sure to massage the oil below the navel and above the Pubis to improve diuresis.

You can also use this oil for body massages, it helps in relieving tension and stress, it relaxes your body and smoothes your skin and makes it tighter.

Apply 10 ml of the slimming oil by massaging on the fatty area for ten minutes.

You will notice how it successfully reduces the fat and tightens your skin.

There is a soothing aroma that comes out of it and it is not greasy to use.

Function: our slimming oil works on breaking down stubborn old fat produced by cellulite and expels it out of your body by perspiration or urination.

The benefits from using our oil are enormous:

Less fat, tighter and smoother skin, toned tummy, aromatic smell, less stress and less tensions…

Order our slimming oil online which is already available for shipping right to your doorstep.

For further information on Free consultancy or how to order our slimming oil contact us

Sub agents and distributors are welcome to contact us for further details

Para Team


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XFat & Cellulite

Slimming Oil… The Paradetect group gladly announces its launching of our new product in the international market.

The X Fat and Cellulite Slimming Oil is now available on our websites: or contact the Wellness Center in Dubai.

For more information on how it works read our article Weight loss at its peak and Weight loss Massage.

For further details on how to use or to place your order contact us

Distributors are welcome to submit their request too

Para Team

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Pederasty: Social ills




Pederasty word derives from Greek origin; (paiderastia) “love of boys”, a compound derived from παῖς (pais) “child, boy” and ἐραστής (erastēs) “lover”.

A form of an erotically related sexual relationship between an adult and an adolescent male who is usually non family member…

Partially neglected or totally ignored yet its impact on youth communities is more serious and maybe considered as dangerous for its victims being a prey or a predator, the child/adolescent or the adult offender who may easily become a molester if not alerted or left unchecked due to his ill behavior. Continue reading Pederasty: Social ills

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Make a Difference & Contribute



Why should we all take a positive stance to support spirituality and promote it as a cause for the coming phase of our coexistence in this world…

Humanity is entering into a major change of development in the 21st century, a total breakthrough in science have opened the door to us to understand the universe or rather more appropriately the multi-verse including the world we live in it and broadened our physical and scientific perception of the origin of all of what we experience and depend upon in our existence and advancement as we progress towards a better comprehension of the environment and the impact of our social behavior on it. Continue reading Make a Difference & Contribute

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Deciphering Emerald Tablet VII




The Seven Lords

Welcome back to all of our readers and thank you for your wonderful response and comments on our Deciphering attempt of the Emerald tablets the source of profound and divine wisdom which represents the very foundation of spirituality development of human species ever since the dawn of man. Continue reading Deciphering Emerald Tablet VII

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Cases Healed


At Paradetect we strive to improve our energy healing technique driven by our conviction and commitment to prove to ourselves and others that by merging spirituality and science there can be only one outcome, improvement, and self improvement for one cause and that cause would only be to serve humanity and usher it to a new dawn a dawn of inner peace and prosperity… Continue reading Cases Healed