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Face Lifting & Facial Cleansing


A new Paradetect services is performed successfully at our new Centers “Face Lifting, Facial Cleansing and Botox” without anything else but our own Para Energy technique.

So what are you waiting for!

Have a wrinkle free shining and healthy face and learn more how to maintain it at home by using our essential oils combination and energy technique.

Five sessions of Para energy healing were more than enough to change the facial image of a 41 years old young woman who was more than satisfied with her new look.

This incredible result encourages us to invite more people to try our new technique for Face Lifting, Facial Cleansing and Botox free of any poisonous chemicals and what entails from using it.

One hundred percent natural technique that works wonders at very affordable fees.

Try our unique technique which is the only one available in the world as far as we know.

For further information and booking contact us



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Experimenting on Diabetes 2



Paradetect is glad to announce the intention to experiment on diabetes 2, for those suffering from this fatal illness and those interested in participating in this experiment they may contact us to register their names and provide their contact details when the date of experiment is due.

The program will involve:

– An attempt to stimulate the pancreas to reproduce sufficient levels of insulin
– Removal of fat accumulation around the pancreas
– Follow a strict diet for a specific period

Methods applied:

– Apply bio energy to the pancreas
– Special massage to the pancreas
– Apply special essential oils combination to help burn fat

Duration of treatment:

– Approximately one month
– Expected starting time of experiment: The beginning of Oct. 2013

Participants will be requested to make the appropriate medical checkups before and after the experiment to help evaluate the results. Participants will bear the cost of checkups and other incurring expenses and cost of materials used during the experiment.

We look forward to your support by registering to participate or informing those who are interested to register as soon as possible to help achieve the desirable results.

Number of participants will be limited

Good luck

Para Team


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Energy Weight Loss

Once again Paradetect exceeded expectation in a new experiment on weight loss cases. We gladly share with our members and visitors the results of a new experiment we tried at our new centers.

Paradetect successfully applied our special technique energy massage to help reducing stomach size and increase fat burning using our special oil formula to help us achieve the best results possible.

With our awesome Auraiel Slimming Oil… At Paradetect we research and we explore the para and beyond the common and that’s how we got our name.

For the last year we have been working on a special massage oil formula that combines the detoxifying benefits of invigorating bio organic essential oil to enhance the results of our weight loss program.

This innovation is a special mixture of herbal oils and extracts to speed up the process of burning the unwanted old fat in the legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen and arms.

Rubbing our slimming oil on the body will show an immediate increase of perspiration expelling fat from skin glands while improving skin tissue and acting as an anti cellulite agent at the same time.

We have been experimenting on our slimming oil for a year involving our weight loss program attending clients who expressed total satisfaction with the results.

Our weight loss program includes stimulating the fat burning hormones to function more efficiently by applying our Paradetect energy healing technique.

If you are having overweight issues and would like to get rid of the access weight but you do not know how, we recommend you try our slimming oil.

Our technique proved to be very effective and our clients are extremely happy and very impressed with the immediate results accompanied by improvement of metabolism and perspiration as well as improvement of skin where our oil and energy massage was applied.

Method of use:

Ten minutes physical exercise followed by vigorous rubbing of the oil on wanted area such as abdomen, thighs or buttocks, when applying the oil on the abdomen area make sure to massage the oil below the navel and above the Pubis to improve diuresis.

You can also use this oil for body massages, it helps in relieving tension and stress, it relaxes your body and smoothes your skin and makes it tighter.

Apply 10 ml of the slimming oil by massaging on the fatty area for ten minutes.

You will notice how it successfully reduces fat and tightens your skin.

There is a soothing aroma that comes out of it and it is not greasy to use.

Note: “Function”: our slimming oil works on breaking down stubborn old fat produced by cellulite and expels it out of your body by perspiration or urination.

The benefits from using our oil are enormous:

Less fat, tighter and smoother skin, toned tummy, aromatic smell, less stress and less tensions…

Order our slimming oil online which is already available for shipping right to your doorstep.

Our slimming oil will also be available in the Middle East markets by the end of 2013.

For further information on how to order our slimming oil contact us at, or The Wellness Center in Dubai or on facebook.

Agents, sub-agents and distributors are welcome to contact us for further details on,

Join the Paradetect club and enjoy a healthier life and a better business opportunity.

Para Team

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My personal theory… Barzakh would be a Transit realm and a barrier separating physical and material world from ether and spirit world.

Barzakh is an Arabic word in origin and it means a barrier, it is mentioned in Holy Quran three times in three different occasions, and it is believed to be a transit station and a barrier between the physical world and the ether world. The physical world is not necessarily confined to the world visible to us and rather includes that which is invisible to our naked eyes such as parallel worlds occupied by other beings invisible to our naked eyes such as the world of Jinn, Jinn is another Arabic word and it means invisible to naked eye… Continue reading Barzakh

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Orbs – Hawai

Phenomena rich with myth nourished by enthusiast’s curiosity ever since the dawn of humanity…

Orb in origin is Latin and it is short for Orbits meaning Circle or to form into a circle or a sphere and it is often used in describing a celestial sovereignty or event.

Orbs are often called as globes, or hovering light balls in an erratic pattern believed by many to be related to spirit world… Continue reading Orbs – Hawai

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Projection is another human defense mechanism that helps people escape an unacceptable reality, by projection one tend to accuse others of his own ills or disliked qualities by ascribing them to others.

By projection one may initiate a negative thought or feeling and simply pin it on others ironically applying the do unto others as they do unto  you concept in a twisted way to become; think of others as you think they think of you interpretation… Continue reading Projection

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Freud suggested that at times of anxiety provoking situation with failure to deal with it people tend to protect themselves by retreating to an earlier stage of development.

Regression is a defense mechanism amongst many that we possess as tools to help us coup with the hardships we face in our lives, though helpful at times but if addicted to it one may easily lose touch of reality and introvert to solitude. Continue reading Regression

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Holy Grail of the Gulf… A Business center, a Transportation hub and a Tourist destination… Al Maktoum slogan is “to be number one in the world”.

When I first visited Dubai it was in the late 1970s, the desert then was overwhelming, humidity and heat and lots and lots of sand and empty spaces.

I came back from Dubai few months ago and I visit Dubai on regular basis, every few months I drop by and every visit I pay to this dream land I feel the challenge and the competition from the moment I land at its airport to the moment I depart. Continue reading Dubai

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Cases Healed



At Paradetect we strive to improve our energy healing technique driven by our conviction and commitment to prove to ourselves and others that by merging spirituality and science

there can be only one outcome, improvement, and self improvement for one cause and that cause would only be to serve humanity and usher it to a new dawn a dawn of inner peace and prosperity… Continue reading Cases Healed

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Lebanon Brushed by Ancient Evil



The current events accumulation in Lebanon and the acute socio/economical status in this forsaken land is of mammoth and probably biblical proportion, mammoth due to the lack of everything (infrastructure, security, and public services) in Lebanon for the last thirty five years, independence, Lebanon is suffering from the lack of independence, Lebanese are hostages taken by foreign interference since the 1070s and still are!

Biblical proportion; this is another story with a scary scenario of a hidden conspiracy which is related to the emergence of the antichrist and end of days prophecies in biblical manuscripts and diverse ancient texts attempted to interpret it… Continue reading Lebanon Brushed by Ancient Evil

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Deciphering Emerald Tablet VI



The Key of Magic… It would be more appropriate to replace C with Letter K to become Magik since the Magik Thoth tells about is part of the matrix creation and old science rather than trickery and illusions.

You are welcome to join me in yet another journey in this quest of rare knowledge and pursuit of ancient wisdom I bid thee a joyful reading… Continue reading Deciphering Emerald Tablet VI

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The Butterfly Effect



The Syrian spill over Lebanon… What is not said in Local Media and its immediate impact on the socio/economic structure in the regional and international politics of the Middle East…

History in repetition, the free Syrian Army and its role in subduing Hezbollah scenario in the making…

The spill of refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict is mounting in substantial numbers to a dangerous level on the socio/economical structure of Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, while Turkey exerts strenuous efforts to restrict the impact to its borders…

In this article we will focus on the Lebanon side effect of this conflict.

There are hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees arriving to Lebanon in groups reaching sometimes up to ten thousand per day.

Lebanon suffers not only on the humanitarian level from such influx of refugees but there are serious health concerns as well as cultural, social and economical exhaustion due to the lack of basic infrastructure that would enable Lebanon to coup with this human deluge and contain its butterfly effect starting from increasing demand on basic consumer products and strains to essential commodities national stock, street traffic, parking, accommodation and labor not mentioning inflation and communal irritation which would prove to be a major issue if not dealt with immediately on the national and international level.

Hundreds of Syrian women, men and children are flooding the streets of Lebanon begging for all sorts of aid to help them overcome their hardships and Lebanese are already suffering a great need themselves due to the butterfly effect of the Syrian conflict and the lack of any constructive involvement by the Lebanese government.

And as if that is not scary enough for a cause and effect principal, there seems to be a hush hush preparation for what may be even scarier, and that is a sudden awakening of the western powers  to supply arms to the free Syrian armed coalition to help them over throw the current dictator regime in return of a future mandate for that army to help in breaking the  perfidious thorn of Hezbollah and the control it exercise over Lebanese politics believing that by neutralizing Hezbollah influence on the regional stage would initiate the fall down of Iran…

Will Lebanon witness yet another Syrian military intervention within its borders under a different Syrian flag, the free Syrian army flag this round. And, if this scenario is to roll into place in the near future what would it entail on Lebanon and its unique mosaic which gave its existence in the first place.

Predicting the future is a very unstable art, when one looks into a probable future one may change that nature of such future. I hope by peaking into this probability I would cause a change to the better for Lebanon and its very shaky future to be.

Adam El Masri

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Bitter Reality

Working in energy healing for a number of years opened our eyes to a bitter reality; we discovered the huge demand across the world for such healing, we discovered that merging spirituality, humanity and medical science does serve a purpose of better wellbeing and better general health…

Continue reading Bitter Reality

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Clouds are Clearing


Clouds are clearing to reveal the formation of a new dawn rising on the holistic realm of giving life to a newborn power house of energy the Pardetect/Auraiel and Wellness Center group.

Paradetect is based in Indonesia, Auraiel is in Dubai,  and the Wellness Center is in Dubai. All of the three entities are operating under the sponsorship of which coordinates the activities of each and promotes the Paradetect Concept and Attitude serving humanity and the holistic community around the world.

The Wellness Center will be the first operating energy healing center in the Dubai area soon to be launched. It will cater for your healing needs based upon our own developed energy healing technique which will in due time be taught in especially tailored courses at a college based in Lebanon offering its graduates accredited certificates of accomplishments and achievements enabling them to apply what they learn to serve the market at a wider range due to market expansion and market demand to what have proved to be a very effective technique developed solely by Pardetect within a four year research phase operating in several regions around the world tackling various ailments such as depression, weight loss, face lifting and Botox, scleroses, migraine headaches, enhancement of blood circulation, immune system, stress and anger management, and many other social and psychological disorders related to social and mental behavior, nervous and digestive system helping and assisting you to deal with the ailments and hazards of modern life and its over burdens…

Do not forget to join our Paradetect Club and enjoy the benefits and discount you will get from all of our services and products and make use of our facilities in the regions we operate in.

Visit any of our websites or centers or simply contact us to learn more how we can assist you.


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Inspiration is a beautiful thing. Whether you discover it through someone or something. No matter what that may be, it is such a rush to feel that for once you know what you want or may possibly have everything sorted.

The tricky part is trying to keep that flame of inspiration lit up.  Guiding you through those dark and lonely nights, that flame needs to be strong. It’s so easy to let go of your hopes and dreams and get distracted by something else that seems practical at the time. You need to always think one step ahead and never let your impulsive temptations get the better of you, for a perfect opportunity might just stroll right past you because you have dedicated your time and committed yourself to something that is merely as half as important to you as that dream you once had will ever be.

Life is tough. We all know that… but no body said it would be an easy journey. Take all the experiences in your life as a lesson learnt and make the same mistake over and over again. It’s not always about realizing the mistake you’ve made but more so about whether its time for you to let go of that constant mistake. You will sooner or later come to terms with who you really are, what you really want in life and hopefully wake up one day with that sense of balance that your sub-conscious has designed for you.

I believe that my life and the outcome of it has been written somewhere in the sky’s. With a pencil… Meaning at anytime depending on my actions, a page can easily be erased. The question is, how important would that page be?

As an instinct, we as humans often dwell on what we don’t have and as time passes by, it is sad to notice that what we are dwelling on is becoming more and more of a materialistic matter. Let your hopes and dreams be something sacred to your spirit, let it represent your inner beauty, let it be genuine and pure, instead of taking part of this viscous cycle we call a “trend”. Appreciate your individuality and do not let anything get in your way if what you want does not cause any harm to yourself or others.

Lately I have been quite confused with what I want for myself. It’s so easy to get caught up with what is around you. That’s why it is imperative to take time out in doing something that relaxes your mind, calms your spirit and grounds you.  For myself, I tend to find that meditation and practicing breathing techniques really helps me with clear thinking. Find that one thing that takes your spirit to a calm sanctuary whether it is playing an instrument, exercising, reading etc.; Escape the daily grind every now and then and you will become more decisive in your actions and your confidence and clean attitude will be noticed by others.

Take control of your destiny. Be who you want to be and not what others want you to be. Grasp any opportunity that may come your way and always remember to stay inspired and motivated. You are guaranteed to succeed in this poisonous environment that we seem to surround ourselves in.

Sam Khatib

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Weight Loss Massage


Once again Paradetect exceeded expectation in a new experiment on weight loss cases. We gladly share with our members and visitors the results of a new experiment we tried at our new centers

Paradetect successfully applied our special technique energy massage to help reducing stomach size and increase fat burning using our special oil formula to help us achieve the best results possible.

Our technique proved to be very effective and our clients are extremely happy and very impressed with the immediate results accompanied by improvement of metabolism and perspiration as well as improvement of skin where our oil and energy massage was applied.

To see how all of this works visit our  our new affiliate center the Wellness Center in Dubai which will open its doors to clients within couple of months soon after decoration is done.

Join the Paradetect club and enjoy healthier life and a better business opportunity.

Contact us for further information or appointments

The Para Team